In Dziedzic v. State Univ. of New York at Oswego, No. 15-11, 2016 WL 2620305 (2d Cir. May 9, 2016), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim as time-barred. Specifically, plaintiff’s “claims arising out of unlawful employment acts that occurred from 2005 until she took her first medical leave on January…

Read More Continuing Violation Doctrine Held Inapplicable Where Incidents Were Not “Sufficiently Related”
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In Green v. Brennan, No. 14-613, 578 U.S. ___ (decided May 23, 2016), the Supreme Court held that the 45-day statute of limitations “clock” for purposes of a federal employee’s “constructive discharge” claim begins running on the date of the employee’s resignation, rather than on the date of the alleged discriminatory actions prompting the employee’s…

Read More SCOTUS Holds That a Constructive Discharge Claim Accrues on the Resignation Date for Statute of Limitations Purposes
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In Magnusson v. Cty. of Suffolk, No. 14-cv-3449, 2016 WL 2889002 (E.D.N.Y. May 17, 2016), the court dismissed plaintiff’s gender and sexual orientation-based hostile work environment claims. As to her sexual harassment claim, the court explained that too much time passed between the two incidents cited in support of that claim: There is little doubt…

Read More Court Dismisses Sexual Harassment (Hostile Work Environment) Claim; Too Much Time Beween Two Supporting Incidents
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In a recent lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court, captioned Domingo v. Choice Logistics, Inc. and James Adams, SDNY 16-cv-3648 (filed May 16, 2016), plaintiff Christine Domingo alleges, among other things: Within six days after commencing her employment with Choice in December 2014, Domingo was subjected to unwelcomed physical touching, assault and sexual harassment by…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Choice Logistics
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In Mantione v. C. Berman Associates, 2016 NY Slip Op 30655(U) (NY Sup. Ct. March 4, 2016), the court discussed and applied the “single employer” rule. Defendant moved to dismiss plaintiff’s hostile work environment/sexual harassment allegations under the New York State Human Rights Law, on the ground that the entities involved have less than four…

Read More Court Holds Companies Were a “Single Employer” For Purposes of Aggregating Employees in Sexual Harassment Case
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In Spavone v. Transitional Servs. of New York Supportive Hous. Program (TSI), No. 16-CV-1219 (MKB), 2016 WL 2758269 (E.D.N.Y. May 12, 2016), the court assessed plaintiff’s claims of, e.g., disability, race and national origin discrimination in violation of the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3604 et seq. (FHA). The court explained that the FHA recognizes a…

Read More Court Dismisses Plaintiff’s “Hostile Housing Environment” Claim Under the Fair Housing Act
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In Edwards v. Nicolai (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 160830/2013 May 13, 2016), NY Supreme Court Judge Shlomo Hagler dismissed plaintiff’s gender discrimination claim under the NYS and NYC Human Rights Laws. In her Amended Complaint, plaintiff Dilek Edwards alleged that she was terminated because of the jealousy of plaintiff’s boss’s wife, namely, that she thought plaintiff was…

Read More Court Dismisses Gender Discrimination Claims Based on Allegation That Plaintiff Was “Too Cute”
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In Kasiotakis v. Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc., No. 14 CIV. 462 CM, 2015 WL 6125356 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 16, 2015), the court granted defendant Macy’s motion for summary judgment as to plaintiff’s national origin discrimination complaint. The court explained that plaintiff failed to prove “pretext” as part of the burden-shifting analysis as provided for by  McDonnell…

Read More Greek Ancestry Not Connected to Termination; Discrimination Case Dismissed
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In Fough v. Aug. Aichhorn Ctr. for Adolescent Residential Care, Inc., No. 18294/13, 2016 WL 2338423 (N.Y. App. Div. 2nd Dept. May 4, 2016), the court held that the defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s “whistleblower retaliation” lawsuit under CPLR 3211(a)(7) should have been denied – i.e., that plaintiff sufficiently alleged this claim. In sum, plaintiff (a…

Read More Nurse States New York Whistleblower (Labor Law § 740) Claim Based on Alleged Improper Supervision by Unqualified Person
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Jones v. Trevor Tahiem Smith (a/k/a Busta Rhymes), 16-cv-2194 (EDNY filed 5/3/16), plaintiff – a chauffeur for the rapper known as Busta Rhymes – asserts that he was not paid wages or overtime to which he was entitled, and subjected to age discrimination. He asserts, for example, that Mr. Rhymes told…

Read More Wage and Age Discrimination Lawsuit Against Busta Rhymes
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