Author: mjpospis

In Domenech v. New York City Employees’ Ret. Sys., No. 15CV2521ILGPK, 2016 WL 2644892, at *5 (E.D.N.Y. May 9, 2016), the court held that plaintiff failed to salt are a disability discrimination claim. From the decision: The plaintiff alleges that the transfer from one unit to another caused her to develop severe anxiety. She asserts that…

Read More Job-Related Stress Failed to Give Rise to Disability Discrimination Claim
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A recent Manhattan federal lawsuit, An v. City of New York, SDNY 16-cv-05381, challeng[es] the constitutionality of the New York City Police Department’s [] widespread practice and custom of interfering with and deterring the exercise of the First Amendment right of individuals to film, photograph, videotape, or otherwise record[] NYPD officers performing their official duties in public…

Read More First Amendment Lawsuit Challenges NYPD Retaliation for Recording Officers
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In a complaint filed in New Jersey state court on July 6, 2016, Plaintiff Gretchen Carlson, a former Fox News Channel host, alleges that Fox Chairman/CEO Roger Ailes “unlawfully retaliated against Carlson and sabotaged her career because she refused his sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive harassment”, in violation of the New York City Human…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit by Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson Against Roger Ailes
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In Staten v. City of New York, No. 15-2611, 2016 WL 3569906 (2d Cir. June 30, 2016) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. This case illustrates the importance of context – specifically, the nature of the plaintiff’s job – in evaluating hostile work environment claims. From the…

Read More No Hostile Work Environment Claim Stated by Police Officer Based on Receipt of “Dangerous Orders”
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In a recently-filed Manhattan federal lawsuit, captioned Kadir-Tahir v. Kateri Residence/Arch Care et al (SDNY 16-cv-05094), plaintiff asserts claims of sex discrimination and sexual harassment and retaliation by defendants, in violation of Title VII, the NY State Human Rights Law, and the NYC Human Rights Law. The lawsuit is supported by an EEOC finding in…

Read More Sexual Harassment/Retaliation Lawsuit, Based on EEOC Finding of “Disparate Discipline”, Against Kateri Residence/Arch Care
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In Brothers. v. 574 9th Ave. Rest. Corp., No. 1458, 2016 WL 3341787 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dept. June 16, 2016), a slip-and-fall case, the court affirmed the denial of defendants’ motion for summary judgment. From the decision: The testimony of defendant bar proprietor that he personally inspected the bathrooms and areas outside the bathrooms, just…

Read More Slip/Trip and Fall on Water/Debris Case Survives Summary Judgment
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In Francis v. Wyckoff Heights Med. Ctr., No. 13-cv-2813, 2016 WL 1273235 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2016), the court cited and applied the principles that “regular attendance at work is an essential requirement of virtually all employment” and “[t]he [Americans with Disabilities Act] does not require employers to tolerate chronic absenteeism even when attendance problems are caused…

Read More Court Rejects “Increased Sick Days” as a “Reasonable Accommodation”
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In Ingram v. Life Fitness, 2016 NY Slip Op 05085 (App. Div. 1st Dept. June 28, 2016), the court reversed a denial of summary judgment to defendants, and directed the clerk to enter judgment dismissing the complaint. In her complaint, plaintiff alleged that, while she was attempting to step on a treadmill – identified in the…

Read More Treadmill Injury Claim Dismissed; Plaintiff Assumed the Risk
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In Godino v. Premier Salons, Ltd., No. 13705/13, 2016 NY Slip Op 05118, 2016 WL 3533532 (N.Y. App. Div. 2d Dept. June 29, 2016), the court affirmed the denial of defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint alleging age discrimination and hostile work environment. On a motion to dismiss a complaint for failure to state a cause…

Read More Plaintiff Hairstylist Sufficiently Alleges Age Discrimination and Hostile Work Environment; Survives CPLR 3211(a)(7) Motion to Dismiss
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