Author: mjpospis

In a recent lawsuit captioned Ikezi v. Cipriani Club 55 LLC et al, 15-cv-06145 (SDNY filed 8/5/15), plaintiff Henry Ikezi accuses the Cipriani Club and others of discriminating against him on account of his race. Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that On or about April 2015, when Cipriani Club advised the Plaintiff that Cipriani Club…

Read More Public Accommodation Race Discrimination Lawsuit Against Cipriani Club
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In Rensselaer Cnty. Sheriff’s Dep’t v. New York State Div. of Human Rights, No. 520239, 2015 WL 4757612 (N.Y. App. Div. 3d Dept. Aug. 13, 2015), the court upheld the determination of the New York State Division of Human Rights that the petitioner engaged in unlawful gender discrimination. The court discussed some of the evidence presented…

Read More Court Upholds Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Finding in Corrections Employee’s Favor by State Division of Human Rights
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In Feliciano v. City of New York, No. 14 CIV. 6751 PAE, 2015 WL 4393163 (S.D.N.Y. July 15, 2015), the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff, a Hispanic Lieutenant employed by the New York City Sheriff’s Department, sufficiently alleged a prima facie case of discriminatory failure to promote based on race and national origin…

Read More Lieutenant Sufficiently Alleges Discriminatory Failure to Promote and (Limited) Retaliation Claim
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In Torres v. Nine-O-Seven Holding Corp., the court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s sidewalk trip-and-fall case. After examination of the photographs and the other evidence presented in the record, including plaintiff’s deposition testimony, and considering all the relevant factors, this Court finds that as a matter of law the alleged defect in the…

Read More Trip-and-Fall Case Dismissed; Sidewalk Defect Was “Trivial” as a Matter of Law
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In Castiglione v. Kruse – a personal injury/car accident/pedestrian knockdown case – the Appellate Division, Second Department reversed the lower court and granted the injured pedestrian-plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment on the issue of liability. The injured plaintiff was struck by defendants’ vehicle, which was making a left turn from Keith Lane to proceed eastbound on…

Read More Plaintiff Wins Summary Judgment in Pedestrian Knockdown Case
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In Matter of Castillo v. Schriro (N.Y. Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cty. July 17, 2015), Judge Ling-Cohan granted the Article 78 petition filed by terminated probationary corrections officer, who alleged that she was discriminated against under the NYC Human Rights Law due to her disability and domestic violence victim status. From the decision: [R]espondents having been noticed…

Read More Court Orders Reinstatement of Corrections Officer Subject to Discrimination Because of Disability and Domestic Violence Victim Status
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In the movie “A Civil Action”, the protagonist says Lawsuits are war. And they begin the same way. With a declaration of war: the complaint. Examples of the litigation/war analogy are everywhere: war/fighting-related language and logo imagery are common features of attorney websites; law firms often have “war rooms”; tales of litigation exploits by experienced attorneys…

Read More Lawyer Demands “Trial by Combat”
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In Anderson v. Edmiston & Co., Inc. (App. Div. 1st Dept. Aug. 4, 2015), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged claims of gender discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation under the NYC Human Rights Law, and affirmed Supreme Court’s denial of defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint under CPLR 3211(a)(7). Plaintiff alleged, among other things, that her superior…

Read More Allegations of Vulgar Remarks About Women Sufficient to Plead Gender Discrimination and Hostile Work Environment
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In Nunez v. New York State Dep’t of Corr. & Cmty. Supervision, No. 14-CV-6647 JMF, 2015 WL 4605684 (S.D.N.Y. July 31, 2015), the court held that plaintiff – a parole officer – plausibly alleged sexual harassment under the New York City Human Rights Law, but not the New York State Human Rights Law. Plaintiff alleged that…

Read More Parole Officer Sufficiently Alleges Sexual Harassment Under NYC Human Rights Law
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