Author: mjpospis

In Carter v. Verizon, decided January 20, 2015, the Southern District of New York dismissed all of plaintiff’s gender and age discrimination claims, except for his gender discrimination / hostile work environment claim under the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). After dismissing plaintiff’s federal and state law claims, the court proceeded to assess plaintiff’s…

Read More Male Employee (Barely) Survives Dismissal of Hostile Work Environment Claim Under the New York City Human Rights Law
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In Fisher v. Kasten, decided January 21, 2015, the Appellate Division, Second Department dismissed plaintiff’s slip-and-fall case on the basis of the so-called “storm-in-progress” rule. Plaintiff alleges that in February 2011, he was “injured after slipping and falling on an icy condition on the landing of an exterior stairway of the apartment building in which…

Read More Court Applies “Storm in Progress” Rule to Dismiss Slip-and-Fall Case
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In Williamson v Ogden Cap Props., LLC, decided January 27, 2015, the Appellate Division, First Department affirmed the denial of defendant’s summary judgment motion, permitting plaintiff’s claims to continue. From the decision: Defendants failed to make a prima facie showing that they lacked constructive notice of the alleged defective mailbox panel, because it is undisputed…

Read More Failure to Inspect Alleged Defective Mailbox Panel Results in Continuation of Postal Worker’s Personal Injury Case
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In the case of Vale v. Great Neck Water Pollution Control District, decided January 20, 2015, the Eastern District of New York held that the plaintiff sufficiently alleged various claims – including discrimination, failure to accommodate, and retaliation – under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Plaintiff alleged that she was subjected to unfair treatment in…

Read More Plaintiff Sufficiently Alleges Employment Discrimination Based on Disability (Broken Wrist)
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In Chiara v. Town of New Castle, decided January 14, 2015, the Appellate Division, 2nd Dept. explicitly recognized a cause of action for discrimination “by association” under the New York State Human Rights Law, codified at Executive Law § 296. Specifically, it concluded that a plaintiff alleging discrimination in employment on the basis of religion in…

Read More Anti-Semitic Comments Support Employment Discrimination Claim by Non-Jewish Employee Married to Jewish Woman
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Cellar doors are a ubiquitous aspect of New York City life. As illustrated by a recent tragedy in which a man who apparently fell to his death through a cellar grate at 1281 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, they can be dangerous – even deadly. Property owners are required to maintain their property in a reasonably…

Read More Cellar Door Injuries
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In Idlisan v. Mount Sinai Medical Center (decided January 9, 2015), the Southern District of New York dismissed plaintiff’s claim that he was not hired because of his race, national origin, disability, and conviction history. Title VII In dismissing plaintiff’s Title VII claims, the court – citing Second Circuit precedent for the principle that “feelings and…

Read More Court Reiterates That Mere “Perception” of Discrimination is Insufficient to Survive Summary Judgment
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In Coley v. NYC Housing Authority (decided January 20, 2015) – an ice slip-and-fall case – the Appellate Division, First Department affirmed the denial of defendant’s motion for summary judgment. It reasoned: Defendant failed to establish its entitlement to judgment as a matter of law in this action where plaintiff was injured when she slipped…

Read More Issues of Fact in Ice Slip/Fall Case Result in Proper Denial of Summary Judgment to Defendant
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In Horn v. 197 5th Ave. Corp., the Appellate Division, Second Department held that plaintiff’s trip-and-fall case should have been dismissed. Plaintiff sued “to recover damages for injuries she sustained when she allegedly tripped and fell over a sidewalk cellar door adjacent to the defendants’ property at 197 Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn.” There was, however, a…

Read More Cellar Door Trip/Fall Case Should Have Been Dismissed; Errata Sheet Could Not Be Used to Correct Location of Accident
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In Burhans and Rivera v. The State of New York (Sup. NY Index 152906/14), New York Supreme Court Judge Wooten held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged sexual harassment/hostile work environment (but not sex discrimination) claims against the defendant State. Plaintiffs allege in their complaint that, under the New York State Human Rights Law, the State of New…

Read More Burhans/Rivera Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Claims Continue Against New York State
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