Disability Discrimination

In Koss v. Strippit, Inc., No. 12-CV-486, 2016 WL 3963204 (W.D.N.Y. July 22, 2016), the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York upheld the Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation that defendant’s motion for summary judgment be granted and that plaintiff’s gender and disability discrimination claims be dismissed. This decision is instructive on how…

Read More Gender & Disability Discrimination Claims Dismissed; Denial of Training Was Not “Adverse Action” and Reduction-in-Force Termination Was Not Pretext
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In Atencio v. United States Postal Serv., No. 14 CIV. 7929 (AJP), 2016 WL 4145930 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 4, 2016), the court granted defendant USPS’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s reasonable accommodation claim, but denied its motion on plaintiff’s retaliation claim under the Rehabilitation Act (a federal statute applicable to claims of disability discrimination by…

Read More Letter Carrier’s Retaliatory Hostile Work Environment Claim Against USPS Survives Summary Judgment
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Thiery v. Slover & Co. et al (NY Sup. Ct NY Cty. Index # 156310/2016, filed July 28, 2016), plaintiff – who suffers from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) – alleges that she was subjected to discrimination based on her disability. She asserts that the company’s owners (defendants Rosemary Kuropat…

Read More ADHD Disability Discrimination Lawsuit
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I preface this by noting that this is not a political blog. That said, there are many reasons why I think Donald Trump should/must not be president. As a plaintiffs’ civil rights lawyer, the most glaring is his apparent mocking of a disabled reporter. It was cruel, unnecessary, and the opposite of presidential. Take a look: In the…

Read More On Donald Trump Mocking the Disabled
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In Felmine v. Service Star, No. 13-cv-2641, 2016 WL 4005763 (E.D.N.Y. July 25, 2016), the court granted defendants’ summary judgment motion and dismissed plaintiff’s claims for (1) quid pro quo sexual harassment, (2) hostile work environment, (3) retaliation, and (4) disability discrimination. Plaintiff – a cargo handling agent – alleged that defendant “subjected him to…

Read More Court Dismisses Sexual Harassment Claims Based on Conduct of Non-Supervisory Co-Worker
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In Domenech v. New York City Employees’ Ret. Sys., No. 15CV2521ILGPK, 2016 WL 2644892, at *5 (E.D.N.Y. May 9, 2016), the court held that plaintiff failed to salt are a disability discrimination claim. From the decision: The plaintiff alleges that the transfer from one unit to another caused her to develop severe anxiety. She asserts that…

Read More Job-Related Stress Failed to Give Rise to Disability Discrimination Claim
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In Francis v. Wyckoff Heights Med. Ctr., No. 13-cv-2813, 2016 WL 1273235 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2016), the court cited and applied the principles that “regular attendance at work is an essential requirement of virtually all employment” and “[t]he [Americans with Disabilities Act] does not require employers to tolerate chronic absenteeism even when attendance problems are caused…

Read More Court Rejects “Increased Sick Days” as a “Reasonable Accommodation”
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In Hinz v. Vill. of Perry, No. 15-2239-CV, 2016 WL 3435265 (2d Cir. June 20, 2016) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the judgment of the district court dismissing his claim thta he was subjected to discrimination based on his alleged disability (Chron’s disease) in violation of Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act.…

Read More 2nd Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Disability Discrimination Claim; Employer Lacked Knowledge of Alleged Disability (Chron’s Disease)
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In Beaton v. Metro. Transp. Auth. New York City Transit, No. 15 CIV. 8056 (ER), 2016 WL 3387301 (S.D.N.Y. June 15, 2016), the court held that plaintiff – who suffered from schizophrenia – successfully pleaded discrimination (termination) and retaliation claims, but failed to sufficiently allege a failure-to-accommodate claim. Plaintiff’s allegations, in sum: Plaintiff alleges that…

Read More Schizophrenic Plaintiff Fired for Sleeping on the Job Plausibly Alleges Disability Discrimination and Retaliation, But Not Failure-to-Accommodate, Claims
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In Tse v. New York University, No. 10-CV-7207 (DAB), 2016 WL 3281045 (S.D.N.Y. June 6, 2016), the court, per SDNY Judge Batts, held that plaintiff’s receipt of long-term disability and social security disability insurance benefits did not preclude her from receiving back pay or front pay as a matter of law, and that those benefits should…

Read More SDNY Holds That Lost Wages Were Not Precluded, and Should Not Be Offset, by Disability Benefits
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