Employment Discrimination

In Felder v. United States Tennis Association Inc., 17-cv-5045, 2018 WL 5621484 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 30, 2018), the court, inter alia, explained and applied the :”joint employer” doctrine under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In sum, plaintiff (a 50 year old black man) was employed by a security company (AJ Security) that…

Read More Court Explains “Joint Employer” Doctrine; Finds it Inapplicable to Claim by US Tennis Association Subcontractor Employee
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In Moultry v. Rockland Psychiatric Center, 17v-4063, 2018 WL 5621485 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 30, 2018), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff failed to plausibly allege race discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After summarizing the relevant substantive law and pleading standards, the court held: Plaintiff fails to state a facially plausible…

Read More Title VII Race Discrimination Claim Dismissed Against Rockland Psychiatric Center
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A new statute, New York Labor Law § 201-g (effective October 9, 2018), requires every employer to adopt a “sexual harassment prevention policy” that meets certain minimum requirements. The statute provides, inter alia: Such model sexual harassment prevention policy shall: (i) prohibit sexual harassment consistent with guidance issued by the department in consultation with the division…

Read More New York Requires Employers to Adopt Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
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In Stern v. State University of New York et al, 2018 WL 4863588 (EDNY Sept. 30, 2018), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. The court summarized the well-established law in this area: To establish a hostile work environment under Title VII …, a plaintiff must show that ‘the workplace is permeated…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Not Sufficiently Alleged Against SUNY
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In Mazzeo v. Mnuchin, 17-cv-2686, 2018 WL 4492847 (2d Cir. Sept. 19, 2018) (Summary Order), the court, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s retaliation claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the Rehabilitation Act. The court summarized the law: In order to…

Read More Retaliation Claim Properly Dismissed Against IRS; Disciplinary Threat Was Not an “Adverse Employment Action”
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In Byfield-Aboagye v New York City Dept. of Educ., 2018 NY Slip Op 32644(U) (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Index 158036/2016 Oct. 10, 2018), the court dismissed plaintiff’s (a probationary principal) discrimination and retaliation claims – specifically, by denying her Article 78 petition seeking reinstatement. From the decision: Petitioner speculates that discrimination may have played a role in…

Read More Probationary Principal’s Discrimination Claims Rejected
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In Downey v. Adloox, Inc., 16-CV-1689, 2018 WL 5266875 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 23, 2018), the court granted defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s federal and state age discrimination claims. Among the evidence proffered by the plaintiff to demonstrate that he was a victim of age discrimination were comments referring to him as “old timer.” However,…

Read More Age Discrimination Case Dismissed, Despite “Old Timer” Comments
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In Mauze v. CBS Corporation, 15-CV-4905, 2018 WL 5115564 (E.D.N.Y., 2018), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment as to her retaliation claims. In reaching this conclusion, the court explained: [Plaintiff] has … established a sufficient causal connection between her engagement in protected activity and her termination. See Gordon v. NYC Bd.…

Read More Retaliation, But Not Discrimination, Claims Survive Summary Judgment Against CBS
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In Lues v. City of New York, 2018 NY Slip Op 32546(U), Index No. 161923/2013 (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Oct. 5, 2018), the court held that plaintiff’s retaliation, but not gender and nationality-based discrimination, claims survived summary judgment. With respect to her discrimination claims, the court noted, inter alia, the absence of “evidence demonstrating that…

Read More Retaliation Claim Continues Against City of New York; Court Cites Changed Demeanor After Learning of Lawsuit
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In Schwartz v. Integrated Dental Sys., LLC et al, 2018 NY Slip Op 32574(U), Index No. 157816/2017 (Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Oct. 12, 2018), plaintiff asserted claims of age discrimination, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliatory termination against various defendants, including two entities: Integrated Dental Systems and Megagen USA. In 2013, IDS bought the assets of Megagen…

Read More Sexual Harassment and Other Claims Discontinued Against Predecessor Entity
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