Employment Discrimination

In Linell v. New York City Department of Education, 15-CV-5085, 2018 WL 1611370 (E.D.N.Y. March 30, 2018), the court dismissed plaintiff’s sex-based hostile work environment claim. The court explained: To substantiate her gender-based hostile work environment claim, Edelmann testified that Oberle told Edelmann that she was dressed “inappropriately” when she wore a long t-shirt over…

Read More Sex-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Not Demonstrated by Comments About Inappropriate Clothing, Infertility
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In Salas v. New York City Department of Investigation, 2018 WL 1614339, 16-cv-8573 (S.D.N.Y. March 30, 2018), the court (inter alia) held that plaintiff failed to state a religious discrimination (hostile work environment) claim. From the decision: Salas has failed to allege even a single instance where she or a coworker was personally harassed on the…

Read More Religious Discrimination (Hostile Work Environment) Claim Not Stated
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In Salas v. New York City Department of Investigation, 2018 WL 1614339, 16-cv-8573 (S.D.N.Y. March 30, 2018), the court (inter alia) denied defendant’s motion to dismiss, and held that plaintiff – who suffered from a stutter – stated a claim for a hostile work environment under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From the decision:…

Read More Plaintiff, Mocked For Stuttering, States Hostile Work Environment Claim Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
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On April 11, 2018, the NYC Council enacted several laws (collectively the “Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act”) strengthening New York City’s anti-sexual harassment policies and combating sexual harassment in the workplace. This legislation will be among the strictest anti-sexual harassment legislation in the country. Information about the various laws can be found here (you can…

Read More NYC Council Enacts Sexual Harassment Legislative Package
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In Mayer v. Time, Inc., 17-cv-5613, 2018 WL 1738322 (S.D.N.Y. April 9, 2018) (J. Cote), the court dismissed plaintiff’s sex and age discrimination case on the ground of forum non conveniens. The court explained the legal principles applicable to the doctrine, including by noting the three factors to be considered: (1) the degree of deference to be…

Read More Sex, Age Discrimination Claims Dismissed Under Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine; U.K. Was More Appropriate Forum
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In Milan v. Sprint Corporation, 2018 WL 1665690 (E.D.N.Y. April 6, 2018), a sexual harassment case, the court affirmed a Magistrate Judge’s Order granting plaintiff’s motion to compel discovery. Plaintiff sought, inter alia, “complaints of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and/or retaliation against Sprint, including but not limited to complaints through the ‘Sprint’s Ethics Hotline’ and…

Read More Court Compels Discovery of Sexual Harassment Complaints in Lawsuit Against Sprint
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In New York City Transit Authority v. Phillips, 2018 NY Slip Op 02442, 2018 WL 1719789 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dept. April 10, 2018), the court reversed a lower court decision and held that the arbitrator should have found that a Transit Authority employee (Aiken) subjected another (Melendez) to inappropriate and unwelcome comments of a sexual…

Read More Arbitrator Should Have Found That Transit Authority Employee Engaged in Sexual Harassment, First Department Holds
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In Bell v. Baruch College—CUNY, 16-cv-8378, 2018 WL 1274782 (S.D.N.Y. March 9, 2018), the court granted defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s sexual harassment claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the NYC Human Rights Law, but denied its motion to dismiss plaintiff’s Title VII retaliation claim. In sum, plaintiff – a…

Read More Retaliation Claim, But Not Female-on-Male Sexual Harassment (Hostile Work Environment) Claim, Survives Dismissal
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In Blair v. Brooklyn Transportation Corp., 17-cv-383, 2018 WL 1581974 (E.D.N.Y. March 30, 2018), the court (inter alia) denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s gender discrimination claim. From the decision: Plaintiff’s allegations are sufficient for the Court to infer that Defendant discriminated against Plaintiff. Defendant was aware of Plaintiff’s transgender status because, when Plaintiff began…

Read More Transgender Discrimination Case Continues Against Brooklyn Transportation Corp.
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