Employment Discrimination

In a recent discovery order in Chen-Oster v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. – a putative class action in which plaintiffs allege that the Goldman Sachs defendants “engaged in a pattern of gender discrimination against female professional employees in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” and the NYC Human Rights Law – Southern District Magistrate…

Read More Court Cites and Applies Broad Discovery Rules in Pattern/Practice Gender Discrimination Case Against Goldman Sachs
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Below and here is the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Sherina Thomas against EONY and EONY’s owner David Shavolian in the Supreme Court of New York (Index No. 158961/2013). Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that defendant Shavolian forced plaintiff to show him her breasts and proceeded to “fondl[e]” and “jiggl[e]” them; asked her whether she “shave[s]…

Read More Sexual Harassment Complaint Alleges Supervisor Made Sexually Explicit Remarks and Forced Plaintiff to Watch Him Urinate
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Law firm Clifford Chance has apparently distributed a memo to female attorneys outlining presentation tips that many are blasting as a sexist throwback to the 1950’s. It suggests, for example, that female attorneys should: Avoid using “Um”, “Uh”, “You Know”, and “Like”; Not show cleavage; Ensure that “[i]f wearing a skirt, make sure audience can’t see…

Read More Prestigious Law Firm Sends Condescending and Sexist Memo to Female Attorneys
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Here is the age and gender discrimination lawsuit, captioned Reingold v. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. (NY Sup Ct. index # 653626/2013) filed by Managing Director Suzy Reingold, 66, against real estate titan Cushman & Wakefield. The suit alleges, in sum, that notwithstanding plaintiff’s “stellar performance and extensive experience,” defendant discriminated against her on the basis of her…

Read More Suzy Reingold’s $20 Million Age and Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Cushman & Wakefield
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In Singh v. Bay Crane Services, 11-cv-720 (EDNY Oct. 11, 2013), the Eastern District of New York recently denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment and allowed plaintiff, a Guyanese man of Indian descent, to proceed with his claim that he was not hired for discriminatory reasons – namely, his race and national origin. Since the court…

Read More Crane Operator’s Race and National Origin Discrimination Claims Allowed to Continue
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Here is plaintiff Ivana Hidalgo’s disability discrimination complaint, captioned Hidalgo v. B&B Hospitality Group LLC (SDNY 13-cv-6402 filed 9/12/13) against B&B Hospitality Group LLC and others. Plaintiff claims that defendants violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and the New York State Human Rights Law by failing to reasonably accommodate her disability – an inequality in the lengths of her…

Read More Disability Discrimination Suit by Uneven-Legged Plaintiff Against Mario Batali-Owned Company
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In Seubert v. Deluty, a Nassau County judge awarded, after an inquest following defendant’s default, damages to compensate plaintiff for sexual harassment she suffered while employed as a part-time dental assistant and receptionist for defendant dentist. It also set aside a transfer of property from defendant dentist to his wife as a fraudulent conveyance. Plaintiff alleged that defendant…

Read More Dental Assistant Awarded Damages in Sexual Harassment Suit
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Below and here is the complaint, captioned Pino v. Brooks Brothers Group, Inc. et al., 13-CV-5022, filed by a female factory worker against Brooks Brothers and related entities in the Eastern District of New York. Plaintiff asserts claims of gender discrimination, race discrimination, national origin discrimination, and retaliation. Among other things, plaintiff alleges that her supervisor and…

Read More Brooks Brothers Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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In Garrett v. City of New York, the New York Supreme Court (NY County) recently granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s disability discrimination claims under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. This case illustrates the extent to which illness-related absences from work may constitute a “reasonable accommodation”. Plaintiff alleged that…

Read More Absences and Failure to File Notice of Claim Doom Disability Discrimination Suit Against City of New York
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In Wingfield v. Rochester School for the Deaf, the Western District of New York recently clarified that not all employment decisions that affect employees at work are “employment actions” sufficient to support a claim of employment discrimination. In Wingfield, plaintiff and her ex-husband worked at defendant. Following an altercation, family court issued a temporary order of…

Read More All Actions Affecting Workers Are Not Necessarily “Employment Actions” For Purposes of the Discrimination Laws
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