Employment Discrimination

In Echevarria v. Insight Medical, P.C. et al, SDNY Case No. 13-cv-03710, a federal jury recently awarded a plaintiff $50,000 in compensatory damages ($0 in punitive damages) in her sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit against a Bronx medical practice and its principals. Plaintiff alleged that one individual defendant sexually harassed her – by, for example, sending her unwanted text messages…

Read More Jury Awards $50,000 to Plaintiff on Retaliation Claims in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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A Brooklyn federal jury recently awarded $40,000 (comprising $10,000 compensatory, $30,000 punitive) to plaintiff Corey Lashley on his claims of quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile work environment, discrimination, and retaliation. Plaintiff alleged in his complaint that his female boss – who hired him after meeting him at a nightclub – sexually harassed him and fired him after he rebuffed…

Read More Jury Awards $40,000 to Man Sexually Harassed by Female Boss
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Here’s the complaint recently filed by Vanessa Harris and Kimberly Mealer against McDonald’s Corporation and others, in which they allege sexual harassment, race discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment, retaliation, and constructive discharge. (This isn’t the first time McDonald’s has been in hot water over allegations of sexual harassment.) They claim (among other things) that their white manager…

Read More Not Lovin’ It: Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Harassment at McDonald’s
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In Gookool v. Laser, 2014 NY Slip Op 50906(U) [43 Misc 3d 1232(A)], the New York Supreme Court, Suffolk County dismissed plaintiff’s national origin discrimination claims. Plaintiff asserted that the defendant engaged in unlawful employment discrimination by requiring him to perform certain work tasks in addition to his other job responsibilities. Even assuming this was true, he failed to…

Read More National Origin Discrimination Claims Dismissed in Light of Terms of Employment
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In Herrington v. Metro-North Commuter R.R. Co., decided June 17, 2014, the First Department affirmed the Supreme Court’s (Judge Rakower) dismissal of plaintiff’s gender discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, and retaliation claims under the New York City Human Rights Law. First, the court held that plaintiff failed to state a claim for discrimination based on sexual…

Read More Comments Were Too Remote in Time to Support Sexual Orientation Discrimination Claim Under NYC Human Rights Law
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In Kaplan v. NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene et al., the plaintiff recently filed a Notice of Appeal from a May 16, 2014 decision and order dismissing her sexual harassment and retaliation claims. In this case, plaintiff alleged that she suffered harassment and a hostile work environment after being forced to watch a co-worker masturbate. In dismissing…

Read More Plaintiff Appeals Sexual Harassment Masturbation Case
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In Codrington v. Carco Group (decided June 27, 2014), the Eastern District of New York held that plaintiff stated a plausible pregnancy discrimination claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In sum, plaintiff claims that defendant replaced her with a younger non-mother six weeks after she gave birth and while she was on…

Read More Plaintiff Plausibly Alleges Pregnancy Discrimination Where She Was Replaced by Non-Pregnant Employee
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In Battle v. Carroll, the Western District of New York denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s Title VII race discrimination claim. Plaintiff Ola Battle, a black woman, worked for 17 years as a Holiday Inn housekeeper until she was fired following an expletive-laced confrontation with her supervisor, David Carroll, in which she told him…

Read More Supervisor’s “You People” Remark Supports Race Discrimination Claim
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Here’s the recently-amended class-action sexual harassment lawsuit, Sanz et al v. Johny Utah 51 LLC et al., 14-cv-04380, filed by several employees against western-themed bar Johnny Utah’s. It also contains claims of wage violations under the FLSA and New York Labor Law. NY Post coverage here. Specifically, it alleges that “[b]y intentionally using the ramped…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Johnny Utah’s
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