Failure to Accommodate Disability

In Martinez v. Mount Sinai Hosp., No. 14 CIV. 2548 (PAC), 2015 WL 9450624 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 22, 2015), the court dismissed plaintiff’s failure-to-accommodate-disability claims under the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) and New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). The law: To prevail on her NYCHRL and NYSHRL claims, Plaintiff bears the initial burden…

Read More Failure to Request Specific Accommodation Results in Dismissal of Disability Discrimination (Failure to Accommodate) Claims
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In Ragoo v. New York City Taxi & Limousine Comm’n, No. 101970/08, 2015 WL 6181750 (N.Y. App. Div. Oct. 22, 2015), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims for retaliation and disability discrimination (failure to accommodate) under the New York State Human Rights Law because plaintiff failed to establish that she suffered an “adverse employment…

Read More Transfer and Reassignment Were Not “Adverse Employment Actions”; Disability Discrimination and Retaliation Claims Properly Dismissed
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In Stevens v. Rite Aid Corp., No. 6:13-CV-783, 2015 WL 5602949 (N.D.N.Y. Sept. 23, 2015), a disability discrimination case, plaintiff – a pharmacist working for Rite Aid – alleged that defendant violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and the New York State Human Rights Law by discharging him because of his disability (trypanophobia), failing to provide him…

Read More Court Upholds Disability Discrimination Jury Verdict For for Needle-Fearing Pharmacist
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A recent state appellate decision, Cohen v. State of New York (App. Div. 2nd Dept. June 17, 2015), explains an employer’s duties regarding a requested accommodation for a disability under the New York State Human Rights Law. In Cohen, the Appellate Division, Second Department reversed the lower court’s grant of summary judgment to defendant on plaintiff’s…

Read More Rejection of Accommodation Request Results in Reversal of Summary Judgment for Defendant in Disability Discrimination Case
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In Cooney v. City of New York Dept. of Sanitation, 2015 NY Slip Op 03465 (App. Div. 1st Dept. Apr. 28, 2015), the Appellate Division, First Department reversed a lower court decision to dismiss plaintiff’s failure-to-hire disability discrimination claims for failure to state causes of action under the New York State and New York City Human…

Read More Psoriasis-Suffering Plaintiff Suffiiently Pleads Disability Discrimination
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In Gewirtz v. New York City Dept. of Educ., 2015 NY Slip Op 50713(U) (NY Sup. Qns. Cty. May 4, 2015), the court denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s disability discrimination (failure to accommodate) and retaliation claims under the New York State Human Rights Law (SHRL) and New York City Human Rights Law (CHRL).…

Read More Teacher’s Disability Discrimination (Failure to Accommodate) and Retaliation Claims Continue
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In Sobhi v. Sociedad Textil Lonia Corp., No. 13 CIV. 8073 AT MHD, 2014 WL 7474338 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 30, 2014), the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff adequately alleged a “failure to accommodate” disability discrimination claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From the decision: Although Defendant initially granted Plaintiff eight weeks…

Read More Employer’s Firing Plaintiff During Recovery Plausibly Suggests Failure to Accommodate Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
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In Vangas v. Montefiore Medical Center, 11-cv-6722 (SDNY 4/3/15), the Southern District of New York (among other rulings) upheld a jury verdict that the defendant failed to accommodate the plaintiff’s disability (cancer) in violation of the New York State Human Rights Law. In this disability discrimination case, defendant terminated plaintiff from her position as an analyst…

Read More Court Upholds Jury Verdict That Failure to Allow Work From Home Amounted to Denial of Reasonable Accommodation for Disability
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In Graham v. Macy’s, Inc., SDNY 14-cv-3192 (March 23, 2015), Southern District Judge Paul Engelmayer granted defendant Macys’ motion to dismiss the pro se plaintiff’s claims of discrimination based on disability (here, arthritis and bipolar disorder) under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Although Judge Engelmayer determined that plaintiff’s complaint was deficient – citing, for example,…

Read More Disability Discrimination Roadmap
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