First Amendment Retaliation

It has been reported that Queens physical education teacher Peter Maliarakis has settled his “whistleblowing” retaliation lawsuit against the New York City Department of Education, Principal Namita Dwarka, and others. He alleges in his 2014 lawsuit (here and below), among other things, that the school administration retaliated against him after he told an Office of Special Investigation (OSI)…

Read More Grade-Changing Whistleblower Lawsuit Settled
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Here is the recent decision in Barboza v. D’Agata, SDNY 13-cv-4067 (9/10/15) in which Judge Seibel ruled on the parties’ summary judgment motions. In this case, plaintiff alleged in his federal lawsuit that his arrest under (now unconstitutional) NY Penal Law § 240.30(1) for writing “fuck your shitty town bitches” on a speeding ticket payment form violated his constitutional…

Read More “Fuck Your Shitty Town Bitches” False Arrest/First Amendment Case Proceeds to Trial
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In Gordon v. City of New York, 14-545-cv (2d Cir. 2015), the Second Circuit affirmed, in a summary order, the dismissal of plaintiffs’ First Amendment retaliation and hostile work environment claims. The facts, as summarized by the court: While working as emergency medical technicians (“EMTs”) for the New York City Fire Department (“FDNY”), plaintiffs Tomeko…

Read More Second Circuit: No Hostile Work Environment Where Black Woman and White Male Were Subjected to Similar Treatment
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When many people think of sexual harassment, they likely think of a man sexually harassing their female subordinate. However, sexual harassment works both ways – i.e., the harasser, as well as the victim. That was the case in Hasper v. County of Suffolk, decided by the Eastern District of New York on Feb. 25, 2015. There,…

Read More Treating Male and Female Sexual Harassment Victims Differently Creates Factual Issue on Title VII Gender Discrimination Claim
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Admit it:  you’ve fantasized about doing this. Below is the complaint filed by Willian Barboza in June, captioned Willian Barboza v. Detective Steven D’Agata and Police Officer Melvin Gorr, 13-cv-4067 (SDNY June 13, 2013).  Plaintiff alleges: In August 2012, plaintiff Willian Barboza paid by mail a traffic ticket that he received while driving through the Village…

Read More Traffic Ticket Profanity Results in First Amendment Lawsuit
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Yesterday, in Ross v. Lichtenfeld et al., the Second Circuit (WALKER, Leval, Pooler) held that a government clerk’s claim of First Amendment retaliation should have been dismissed, because she was speaking pursuant to her official duties.  The Court applied the rule of Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006), that “when public employees make statements…

Read More Second Circuit Dismisses First Amendment Retaliation Claim
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