Hostile Work Environment

From Radler v. Catholic Health Sys. of Long Island, Inc., No. 2014-10867, 2016 WL 6604540 (N.Y. App. Div. 2d Dept. Nov. 9, 2016): To establish entitlement to summary judgment in a case alleging discrimination, the defendants must demonstrate either the plaintiff’s inability to establish every element of intentional discrimination, or, having offered a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason…

Read More Sexual Harassment Claim Properly Dismissed on Summary Judgment; “Coarse Comments” Regarding Inappropriate Attire Insufficient
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In Douyon v. NYC Dept. of Education, No. 15-3932, 2016 WL 6584894 (2d Cir. Nov. 7, 2016) (Summary Order), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims of hostile work environment sexual harassment, quid pro quo sexual harassment, and retaliation. In sum, plaintiff asserted that her supervisor, Laurence Harvey, subjected her to sexual harassment and…

Read More Sexual Harassment, Retaliation Claims Properly Dismissed Against NYC Dept. of Education
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Donald J. Trump’s election is likely to be a major topic of discussion among many people, particularly at work. The topic of sex – including sexual harassment and sexual assault – has, one could say, dominated this election. While sex is no stranger to politics (see, e.g., Clinton/Lewinsky) this time seems … different. Examples include…

Read More Donald Trump, Sexual Harassment, and the Workplace
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In Moll v. Telesector Res. Grp., Inc., No. 04-CV-0805S(SR), 2016 WL 6095792 (W.D.N.Y. Oct. 19, 2016), a sex discrimination/hostile work environment/retaliation case, the court ruled on the parties’ respective motions to compel discovery. (For more background on this case, you may wish to review the Second Circuit’s 2014 decision vacating the district court’s 2012 summary judgment…

Read More Court Rules on Social Media Discovery Request in Sexual Harassment Case
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Halloween is a fun holiday. Not so, however, for employees forced to endure sexual harassment during a company Halloween party. In Maher v. All. Mortg. Banking Corp., No. CV 06-5073 DRH ARL, 2010 WL 3516153 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 9, 2010), report and recommendation adopted, No. 06 CV 5073 DRH ARL, 2010 WL 3521921 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 1,…

Read More Sexual Harassment During Company Halloween Party Among Facts of Case Resulting in $170,000 Compensatory Damages Award
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In N.Y. State Div. of Human Rights v. Besdad, Inc., No. 2014-08481, 2016 WL 6269891 (N.Y. App. Div. 2d Dept. Oct. 26, 2016), the court upheld a determination by the NYS Division of Human Rights that the respondents discriminated against the complainant on the basis of his race and color by subjecting him to a…

Read More Desire Not to “Offend” Alleged Harasser Properly Found to Result in Condonation of Racial Discrimination
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In Romero v. City of N.Y., No. 16 CIV. 4157 (BMC), 2016 WL 6155935 (E.D.N.Y. Oct. 21, 2016), Eastern District of New York Judge Cogan dismissed the race discrimination claims of plaintiff, a firefighter, for various reasons, including under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) because they did not plausibly allege discrimination. From the decision: As…

Read More “Serpico” Reference is an Insufficient Stand-In For Facts; FDNY Plaintiff’s Race Discrimination Complaint Dismissed For Failure to State a Claim
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In Donahue v. Asia TV USA Ltd., No. 15 CIV. 6490 (NRB), 2016 WL 5173381 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 21, 2016), the court granted in part and denied in part plaintiff’s employment discrimination claims. While, for example, the court dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claims under Title VII, the ADEA, and NYS Human Rights Law, it held…

Read More “Lazy Americans” Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Dismissal; Court Strikes Unrelated Sexual Harassment Allegations From Plaintiff’s Complaint
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NYPD Officer Ann Cardenas, indicated, in an October 20, 2016 filing, that she has settled her sexual harassment lawsuit against defendants the City of New York, Sergeant David John, and Police Officer Angel Colon. The Daily News reports that the settlement amount is $535,000, allocated as $500,000 from the City, $20,000 from John, and $15,000…

Read More Settlement of Female NYPD Officer Ann Cardenas’ Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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In Al-Kaysey v. Engility Corp., No. 11-cv-6318, 2016 WL 5349751 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 23, 2016), the court held that plaintiff – a U.S. Citizen of Iraqi descent and practicing Muslim who was employed as a linguist – plausibly alleged (in a proposed amended complaint) a claim of hostile work environment against defendants, including the Army. (This…

Read More “Sand Nigger” and Other Comments Support Iraqi Muslim’s Hostile Work Environment Claim Against Army
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