Hostile Work Environment

In Boston v. Taconic Eastchester Mgmt. LLC, No. 12 CIV. 4077 (ER), 2016 WL 5719751 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 30, 2016), the court dismissed plaintiff’s discriminatory termination, hostile work environment, and retaliation claims under Title VII. The law, as summarized by the court: Plaintiff’s Title VII claims for race and color discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation are…

Read More Theft Was Nondiscriminatory Reason For Termination; Pretext Not Shown
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In Pothen v. Stony Brook Univ., No. 13-cv-6170, 2016 WL 5716842 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 30, 2016), the court granted in part and denied in part defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s discrimination and hostile work environment claims. As to plaintiff’s discrimination claims (based on adverse actions short of termination), the court explained: With respect to plaintiff’s claims…

Read More Plaintiff’s National Origin and Religion (Non-Termination) and Hostile Work Environment Claims Plausibly Alleged
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In Laboy v. Office Equip. & Supply Corp., No. 15-cv-3321, 2016 WL 5462976 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 29, 2016), a race discrimination and unpaid wages lawsuit, the court entered judgment in plaintiff’s favor following defendants’ default. The facts, in sum/part, taken from plaintiff’s complaint: [Defendants Michael] Prince and [Steven] Maglio referred to Laboy and other dark skinned…

Read More Court Awards Damages, Including $25,000 for Emotional Distress, in N-Word Race Discrimination Case Upon Defendants’ Default
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In Sarr v. Saks Fifth Ave. LLC, 151303/2015, 2016 NY Slip Op 31751(U) (NY Sup Ct NY Cty Sept. 20, 2016), the court dismissed the claims brought by the Muslim plaintiff, under the NYS and NYC Human Rights Laws, of employment discrimination, retaliation, and hostile work environment. After reviewing the legal standard/burden-shifting framework for evaluating plaintiff’s discrimination claims,…

Read More Court Dismisses Muslim Plaintiff’s Employment Discrimination, Retaliation, Hostile Work Environment Claims Against Saks Fifth Avenue
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In Andrus v. Corning, Inc., No. 14-CV-6667-FPG, 2016 WL 5372467 (W.D.N.Y. Sept. 26, 2016), the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York dismissed plaintiff’s Title VII hostile work environment sexual harassment claim arising from sexual comments made by plaintiff’s co-worker. She alleged: (i) In April 2013, Mr. Drane [the alleged harassing co-worker]…

Read More Title VII Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim Dismissed; Co-Worker’s Sexual Comments, While Inappropriate, Could Not Be Imputed to Employer
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In Olsen v. Suffolk County et al, 15-CV-4064, 2016 WL 5395846 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 27, 2016), the court held, among other things, that plaintiff plausibly alleged hostile work environment sexual harassment. The court summarized plaintiff’s allegations, in part, as follows: On or about May 26, 2014, Plaintiff was eating dinner with coworkers outside the precinct and…

Read More Forced Penis Touch, Among Other Allegations, Sufficient to Plausibly Allege Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment
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In La Porta v. Alacra, Inc., 142 A.D.3d 851, 2016 NY Slip Op 06113 (App. Div. 1st Dept. Sept. 22, 2016), the court held that plaintiff stated claims for hostile work environment sexual harassment and retaliation (but not hostile work environment-based constructive discharge). The court summarized plaintiff’s claims as follows: Plaintiff, the manager of defendant…

Read More Sexual Harassment Case (Including Facebook “Boobs” Comment) Survives Motion to Dismiss
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In Marquez v. City of New York, 14-CV-8185, 2016 WL 4767577 (SDNY Sept. 12, 2016), the court granted summary judgment to defendant and dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. Plaintiff (a NYPD detective) alleged, among other things, that a male Lieutenant (Castro) told her that she did not need to lose weight and that he “liked her the…

Read More Invitation to “Gun Show” and Other Comments Insufficient to Survive Summary Judgment on Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Parra v. City of White Plains et al, No. 13 CV 5544 (VB), 2016 WL 4734666 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 9, 2016), the court denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim (but granted it with respect to plaintiff’s retaliation claim). In sum, plaintiff – a police officer – alleges that two…

Read More Police Officer’s Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Summary Judgment
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In a recently-filed Manhattan federal court complaint, captioned Davy v. Darren Davy (SDNY 16-07083), plaintiff Angela Maria Puerta – a nanny and housekeeper who worked for defendants Darren Davy and Asmaa Davy – asserts claims of unpaid wages, hostile work environment, and unlawful termination. From the complaint: 1. For more than two years, [plaintiff] worked…

Read More Nanny/Housekeeper’s Wage/Hour, Hostile Work Environment, Unlawful Termination Allegations Against Darren & Asmaa Davy
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