Hostile Work Environment

The New York State Division of Human Rights has released its “Guidance on Sexual Harassment For All Employers in New York State.” It provides, among other things: The provisions of the [New York State] Human Rights Law generally apply to employers with four or more employees. However, with regard specifically to sexual harassment, the Human…

Read More NYS Division of Human Rights Issues Guidance on Sexual Harassment to New York State Employers
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In a lawsuit captioned Batista v. Best Buy Stores, NY Sup Ct Index 151565-2016 (filed 2/25/16), plaintiff – a member of Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” – alleges that she was subjected to discrimination based on her gender and race. She asserts claims of gender discrimination, hostile work environment, constructive discharge, and retaliation. She alleges, among other things,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Best Buy
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In Locorriere v. NBTY, Inc., No. 13CV7277, 2016 WL 625618 (E.D.N.Y. Feb. 17, 2016), the court granted defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s claims of race/ethnicity and national origin discrimination, disability discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation, and constructive discharge. Plaintiff, a female of Mexican national origin, worked for defendant as an inspector. She alleged,…

Read More Citing Lack of Remarks or Different Treatment, Court Dismisses Mexican Woman’s Discrimination Claims
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In Brailsford v. Zara USA, Inc., No. 14 CIV. 6999 (LGS), 2016 WL 626560 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 16, 2016), the court granted defendant’s motion for summary judgment dismissing plaintiff’s employment (race) discrimination claims, asserted under 42 U.S.C. § 1981 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, against Zara. In sum, plaintiff alleges that while working…

Read More Court Dismisses Race Discrimination, Hostile Work Environment Claims Against Zara
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In Lekettey v. City of New York, No. 15-1169-CV, 2016 WL 482109 (2d Cir. Feb. 8, 2016), the court affirmed a lower court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s complaint alleging sexual harassment. There are generally two theories of sexual harassment recognized under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: (1) “quid pro quo” sexual harassment,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Allegations Insufficiently Alleged, Notwithstanding Assertion of “Fondling”
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In Santiago-Mendez v. City of New York, 2016 WL 416877 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dept. Feb. 4, 2016), the court held that plaintiff’s non-time-barred claims for race, national origin, and gender discrimination as against the City of New York and two individual defendants should not have been dismissed. Here is the Order appealed from; here is plaintiff’s complaint. From the…

Read More Decision: NYPD Detective’s Race, National Origin, and Gender Discrimination Claims Proceed
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In Karam v. Cty. of Rensselaer, New York, 13-cv-1018, 2016 WL 51252 (N.D.N.Y. Jan. 4, 2016), the court (among other things) granted defendants’ motion dismissing plaintiff’s claim that he was subjected to a hostile work environment claim based on his Arab ancestry. It explained: [O]nly two statements concerning Plaintiff’s ancestry were made within the applicable statute…

Read More Court Dismisses Hostile Work Environment Claim Based on Arab Ancestry
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If a lawsuit is a house, then the complaint is its foundation. Buried in a footnote of Brannon v. City of New York, No. 09CV4335-LTS, 2016 WL 270399 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 21, 2016) is an important pleading point for employment discrimination cases – namely, that the failure to plead a particular theory of recovery (here, hostile work…

Read More Failure to Plead Hostile Work Environment Results in Dismissal of That Claim
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In a lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court on January 19, 2016, Mikolaenko v. NYU School of Medicine et al (16-cv-00413), plaintiff – a doctor – asserts (among other things) that her supervisor threatened to give her poor reviews and terminate her unless she had sex with him, propositioned plaintiff for sex, and made inappropriate…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against NYU School of Medicine and Others
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In Dotel v. Walmart Stores, Inc., No. 15-76-CV, 2016 WL 158466, at *1 (2d Cir. Jan. 14, 2016) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s complaint against Walmart Stores alleging sex discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. As to her hostile work environment claim, the court…

Read More Second Circuit Invokes the “Equal Opportunity Jerk” Principle in Affirming Dismissal of Plaintiff’s Sex-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim
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