Hostile Work Environment

Here is the complaint recently filed by plaintiff against his employer, Wall Street Languages, Ltd. (d/b/a Rennert International), alleging sexual harassment. Specifically, plaintiff claims that his male supervisor subjected him to numerous instances of harassing conduct, including asking plaintiff about the size of his penis and inviting him to an all-male, naked pool party.

Read More Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Wall Street Languages d/b/a Rennert International
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In Lewis v. Blackman Plumbing Supply Co. 51 F. Supp. 3d 289 (SDNY 2014), the Southern District of New York denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s claims that defendants terminated him because of his hip-related disability, failed to accommodate him, and subjected him to a hostile work environment. As to plaintiff’s discriminatory-discharge claim,…

Read More Evidence, Including Derogatory Comments About Plaintiff’s Walk, Was Sufficient to Overcome Summary Judgment on Plaintiff’s Disability Discrimination Claims
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Here is the lawsuit recently filed by a teacher against the New York City Department of Education and principal Howard Kwait. Plaintiff alleges sexual harassment/hostile work environment and retaliation. For example, she alleges that the principal, Howard Kwait, made numerous sexual advances toward her, including on one occasion straddled and touched plaintiff and simulated sexual…

Read More Teacher Sues School (John Bowne) and Principal Howard Kwait for Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment and Retaliation
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In Diggs v. Oscar De La Renta, LLC (decided Dec. 9, 2014), a race discrimination case, the Supreme Court, Queens County denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s discrimination claim under the NYC Human Rights Law and her retaliation claims under the NYC and NYS Human Rights Laws. According to plaintiff, twice on second…

Read More Co-Worker’s “N-Word” Use Supports Discrimination Claim
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December 25, 2014 By Mail S. Claus Chief Executive Officer Claus Manufacturing, Inc. 25 Holiday Lane North Pole, AK 01225 Re: Deere v. Claus Mfg. Confidential and For Settlement Purposes Only Dear Mr. Claus: This law firm has been retained to represent Mr. Rudolph Deere (“Mr. Deere” or “our client”), a current employee of Claus…

Read More Deere v. Claus Manufacturing
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In Bright v. Coca Cola, 12-cv-234 (EDNY Nov. 3, 2014), an employment discrimination case, the Eastern District of New York granted summary judgment in defendant’s favor. Judge Cogan’s decision is instructive regarding the use of depositions in employment litigation. For non-lawyers/litigators, a “deposition” is (briefly and generally speaking) a witness’s out-of-court testimony that is reduced to…

Read More “Have You Identified All Facts Supporting Your Claims?”
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In Peralta v. Roros 940, Inc., 72 F. Supp. 3d 385 (E.D.N.Y. 2014), the Eastern District of New York denied defendants’ summary judgment motion as to plaintiff’s discriminatory termination (based on pregnancy) claim, but granted it as to her pregnancy-based hostile work environment claim. The defendant, a FedEx subcontractor, alleged that plaintiff, a delivery driver, was…

Read More Unequal Treatment of Non-Pregnant Co-Workers Supports Pregnancy Discrimination Claim Against FedEx Subcontractor
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A recent district court decision, Patrick v. Garlick, No. 13-CV-6365L, 2014 WL 6883634 (W.D.N.Y. Dec. 4, 2014), explains the differences between federal and state anti-discrimination law  regarding individual liability of the alleged harasser. There, plaintiffs, employees of Seneca Lake State Park, sued Steve Garlick (the park’s branch manager and the plaintiffs’ supervisor), alleging that Garlick subjected them…

Read More Court Explains Individual Liability Under State Human Rights Law
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Here is the complaint recently filed by plaintiff Michael Douglas against Bleecker Kitchen & Co. and its co-owner (and owner of Gold Bar) Joshua Berkowitz. Plaintiff – who is bi-racial (mixed Black and Asian Asian ancestry) – asserts, among other things, that Berkowitz made derogatory comments about black people, in violation of the New York City…

Read More Race Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against Bleecker Kitchen and Owner Joshua Berkowitz
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