Hostile Work Environment

In Rosen v. N.Y.C. Dept. of Education, 2019 WL 4039958 (S.D.N.Y., 2019), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff – a teacher – sufficiently alleged age discrimination under theories of “constructive discharge” and “hostile work environment.” In order to make out a prima facie case under the ADEA, the court explained, a plaintiff must show…

Read More Teacher Plausibly Alleges Age Discrimination, Court Holds
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In Jordan v. United Health Group Inc., No. 18-2268, 2019 WL 4071943 (2d Cir. Aug. 29, 2019) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s race-based hostile work environment claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The court briefly summarized the law: “A hostile work environment…

Read More 2d Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Race-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Alvarado v. Mount Pleasant Cottage School District et al, 2019 WL 4039149 (S.D.N.Y. August 27, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s race and national origin-based hostile work environment claim. The court summarized plaintiff’s allegations as follows: Here, Plaintiff has pointed to four incidents, perpetuated by Defendant Sheppard, that support her race/national origin-based hostile-work-environment…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Not Sufficiently Alleged, Notwithstanding Tasteless, Mean, Ignorant, and Biased Comments
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In Coku v. The New York Presbyterian Hospital et al, 17-cv-2488, 2019 WL 3779507 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 12, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. After summarizing the relevant legal standards, and noting that “the standard for establishing a hostile work environment is high”, the court noted that plaintiff did not meet…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed; Alleged Mistreatment Was Not Due to Protected Characteristic
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In Pulizotto v. McMahon et al, 2019 WL 3997681 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 23, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s sexual orientation-based hostile work environment claim. From the decision: Claims 9 and 10 allege [defendant] created a hostile work environment for Pulizotto and discriminatorily transferred him based on his sexual orientation in violation of the NYSHRL.…

Read More Sexual Orientation-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed; Conduct Amounted to “Isolated Acts”
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In Bailey v. Sheehan, 2019 WL 3975453 (NDNY August 22, 2019), the court denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s sex-based hostile work environment claim. From the decision: There remain a number of relevant factual disputes in this case as to what conduct Defendant actually engaged in, including whether Defendant yelled at Plaintiff and…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim, Including “Dominatrix” Comment, Survives Summary Judgment
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In Wikked Entertainment, Inc. v. Burbacki, No. 652352/2018, 2019 WL 3854921, 2019 N.Y. Slip Op. 32440(U) (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Aug. 16, 2019), the court, inter alia, held that the facts as alleged, taken as true, fit within a theory of recovery (in the nature of employment discrimination / hostile work environment), but…

Read More Employment Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment Counterclaim Allegations Fit Within Legal Theory, But Responding Party Was Entitled to More Definite Statement
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In Bentley v. AutoZoners, LLC et al, No. 18-2441-cv, 2019 WL 3884248 (2d Cir. (Conn.) Aug. 19, 2019), the Second Circuit, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s sex-based hostile work environment claim. This decision provides a good overview of the law relating to when the conduct of an employee, amounting to a hostile work…

Read More 2d Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Hostile Work Environment Claim; Actions of Non-“Supervisor” Not Imputable to Employer
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In MacAlister v. Millennium Hotels & Resorts et al, 2019 WL 3765825 (S.D.N.Y. August 9, 2019), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff – a white American woman over the age of 40 – sufficiently alleged discrimination and a hostile work environment based on her age. gender and race. As to plaintiff’s discrimination claims, the…

Read More “Old White Bitch” Among Comments Held Sufficient to Allege Age/Race/Gender Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment Claims
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n Irons v. The City of New York, 16-cv-3708, 2019 WL 3752870 (EDNY Aug. 8, 2019), the court, inter alia, denied defendant City’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s employment discrimination and hostile work environment claims.[1]As with many blog posts, here I have addressed only a subset of this lengthy and detailed decision; the reader…

Read More NYPD Sergeant’s Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Summary Judgment
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