Hostile Work Environment

In Dole v. Town of Bethlehem, No. 1:16-CV-0173 (DJS), 2017 WL 1483451 (N.D.N.Y. Apr. 25, 2017), the court dismissed plaintiff’s sexual harassment case. Plaintiff, a police officer, alleged that “she was subjected to sexual harassment and a hostile work environment when Officer Craig Sleurs [whom plaintiff dated] sent her numerous harassing and threatening text messages…

Read More Sexual Harassment Case Dismissed; Harassment Was Not Motivated by Victim’s Sex, But Rather By Failed Personal Relationship
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In Fish v. 1295 Aroxy Cleaners, No. 15-cv-102, 2017 WL 1496244 (N.D.N.Y. Apr. 26, 2017), a sexual harassment hostile work environment case, the court denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment. Here are the facts, as summarized by the court: According to [plaintiff] Fish, [plaintiff’s primary supervisor Hagop] Poladian began sexually harassing her at the end…

Read More Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Summary Judgment; Evidence Included Touching of Intimate Body Parts
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In Daniel v. T & M Protection Resources, LLC, No. 15-560-CV, 2017 WL 1476598 (2d Cir. Apr. 25, 2017) (Summary Order), the court vacated the district court’s summary judgment in favor of plaintiff on plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. (The court issued its ruling one week after it heard oral argument in the case.) While it…

Read More Second Circuit Reinstates Gay Black Man’s Hostile Work Environment Claims
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In Daphnis v. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2017 WL 1021510 (N.Y.Sup.), 2017 N.Y. Slip Op. 30484(U) (Trial Order) (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. 153511/14 March 16, 2017), the court granted defendant’s summary judgment and dismissed plaintiff’s complaint alleging (e.g.) discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation, defamation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The court summarized plaintiff’s allegations…

Read More Anti-Caucasian/Greek Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment Claims Dismissed
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On April 18, 2017, the Second Circuit heard oral argument in the case of Daniel v. T&M Protection Resources LLC (Case No. 15-560). At issue is whether a single, offensive comment (here, the n-word) is sufficient to overcome summary judgment on plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. The EEOC argued (as Amicus Curiae in support of pro…

Read More 2d Circuit Hears Oral Argument as to Whether the Single Use of the “N-Word” by a Supervisor is Sufficient to Overcome Summary Judgment on Plaintiff’s Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Matter of NYS Div. of Human Rights v. SUV Prod., Inc., 2017 NY Slip Op 02910 (NY App. Div. 1st Dept. April 13, 2017), the court unanimously confirmed the findings of the New York State Division of Human Rights’ (DHR) December 19, 2008 Order concluding that respondent subjected complainants to discrimination and a hostile work environment based…

Read More Court Upholds NYSDHR Finding of National Origin Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment and Resulting Damages
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In Richard v. N.Y. City Dep’t of Educ., No. 16-CV-957 (MKB), 2017 WL 1232498 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2017), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged retaliation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and therefore denied defendant’s motion to dismiss that claim under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).[1]The court granted defendant’s…

Read More Retaliation Claim Survives Dismissal; Letter Placing Plaintiff on Probation was an “Adverse Employment Action”
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In Black v. Buffalo Meat Serv., Inc., No. 15CV49S, 2017 WL 1196469 (W.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2017) – a race/sex hostile work environment and constructive discharge case – the court ruled on the parties’ respective discovery motions. The facts, as summarized by the court: Plaintiff claims that defendants created a hostile work environment on the basis…

Read More Court Declines to Order Production of Plaintiff’s Tax Returns in Race/Sex Hostile Work Environment Case
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In Green v. Jacob & Co. Watches, Inc., No. 15 CIV. 3611 (PAC), 2017 WL 1208596 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2017), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff – an African American man who held the title of Director of Security for Jacob & Co. – plausibly alleged discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation claims under federal,…

Read More Citing “Monkey” Comment, SDNY Rules in Favor of Plaintiff in Race Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment Case Against Jacob & Co. Watches
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In Lebowitz v. N.Y. City Dep’t of Educ., No. 15-cv-2890, 2017 WL 1232472 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2017), the court held that plaintiffs – former Sheepshead Bay High School math teachers – sufficiently alleged age discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights…

Read More Math Teachers’ Age Discrimination Claims Partially Survive Motion to Dismiss
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