
In a February 19, 2015 New York State Court lawsuit, captioned Charles Schwarz v. Consolidated Edison, Inc. et al., plaintiff asserts that he was unlawfully terminated because of his decade-old conviction for perjury in connection with the notorious Abner Louima police brutality case. Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that defendants terminated him from his position as…

Read More “Conviction Discrimination” Lawsuit Filed by Abner Louima Defendant Charles Schwarz Against Con Ed
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Here is the federal court complaint, captioned Cargian v. Breitling USA, Inc., 15-cv-01084 (SDNY, filed 2/17/15), in which plaintiff alleges age, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination against watch manufacturer Breitling. He asserts claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the New York State and City…

Read More Age, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawsuit Against Breitling
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A lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York, captioned Lampley et al v. Alexander Rojas and the City of New York, SDNY 14-cv-8832 (Nov. 6, 2014), alleges that a NYPD lieutenant, Alexander Rojas, subjected plaintiffs, 3 NYPD officers, to “egregious sexual harassment”, including groping the intimate areas of plaintiffs’ bodies; displaying to plaintiffs…

Read More NYPD Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Includes Allegations of Groping, Masturbation, and Penis Exposure
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Here is the complaint, filed in the Southern District of New York on Jan. 30, 2015 and assigned index number 15-cv-00688, alleging various claims – namely, pregnancy discrimination, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, national origin discrimination, race discrimination, and retaliation – against Mergermarket.    

Read More Lawsuit: Sexual Harassment (etc.) at “Boys Club” Mergermarket
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Here is the complaint recently filed by a student, identified only as “V.V.”, against the New York City Department of Education. Plaintiff asserts, in sum, that she and other students were sexually harassed by cross-dressing teacher Sean Shaynak and that the DOE failed to institute corrective measures to stop it. Plaintiff seeks to recover under Title…

Read More Lawsuit Against NYC Department of Education re Sexual Harassment by Brooklyn Tech Teacher Sean Shaynak
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Here and below is the lawsuit, captioned Meyers v. Revlon, Inc. et al., 14-CV-10213, recently filed by Alan Meyers against Revlon, Inc. and Revlon Consumer Products Corp. Plaintiff alleges that defendant’s CEO/President Lorenzo Delpani subjected him to discrimination based on his race/ethnicity/religion (Jewish) and national origin. From the complaint: [R]eflecting his Anti-American and Anti-Semitic biases, Delpani treated…

Read More Lawsuit Alleges Anti-Semitic, Anti-American Discrimination/Harassment by Revlon CEO Lorenzo Delpani
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Here is the complaint recently filed by plaintiff against his employer, Wall Street Languages, Ltd. (d/b/a Rennert International), alleging sexual harassment. Specifically, plaintiff claims that his male supervisor subjected him to numerous instances of harassing conduct, including asking plaintiff about the size of his penis and inviting him to an all-male, naked pool party.

Read More Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Wall Street Languages d/b/a Rennert International
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