
In Pustilnik v. Battery Park City Authority et al, No. 150138/2020, 2021 N.Y. Slip Op. 21087, 2021 WL 1324212 (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Apr. 8, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claim of disability discrimination asserted under the New York City Human Rights Law.[1]The court also denied defendants’ motion to…

Read More Disability Discrimination Claim Survives Dismissal Against the Battery Park City Authority
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In Pustilnik v. Battery Park City Authority et al, No. 150138/2020, 2021 N.Y. Slip Op. 21087, 2021 WL 1324212 (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Apr. 8, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claim of age discrimination asserted under the New York City Human Rights Law.[1]The court also denied defendants’ motion to…

Read More Age Discrimination Complaint Sufficiently Alleged Against Battery Park City Authority
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In Jaffery v. Downtown Pharmacy, Inc., et al, 20 Civ. 3437, 2021 WL 1199074 (S.D.N.Y. March 30, 2021) (J. Daniels), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s discrimination and hostile work environment claims under 42 USC § 1981. From the decision: Here, Plaintiff alleges both a hostile work environment and discriminatory adverse employment…

Read More Section 1981 Employment Discrimination Claim Survives Dismissal Against Pharmacy
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In Cascalenda v. City of New York, No. 157807/2020, 2021 WL 1156597 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Mar. 26, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claims of disability discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge. The facts, as summarized by the court: Plaintiff began his employment with the New…

Read More NYPD Employee’s Medical Marijuana-Related Discrimination Claims Survive Dismissal
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In Felton v. Monroe Community College et al, 6:20-CV-06156, 2021 WL 1132411 (W.D.N.Y. March 24, 2021), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff sufficiently alleged race discrimination, and denied defendant’s motion to dismiss under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). From the decision: Plaintiff’s allegations as to discriminatory motive are admittedly thin. However, construing Plaintiff’s…

Read More Race Discrimination Claim Sufficiently Alleged Against Monroe Community College
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In Moazzaz v. MetLife, Inc. et al, 2021 WL 827648 (S.D.N.Y. March 4, 2021) (J. Oetken), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s discriminatory failure-to-promote claims under the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) and the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). (The court also held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged…

Read More Failure-to-Promote Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against MetLife
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In Moazzaz v. MetLife, Inc. et al, 2021 WL 827648 (S.D.N.Y. March 4, 2021) (J. Oetken), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claims of gender-based hostile work environment under the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) and the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Here is the court’s discussion…

Read More Gender-Based Hostile Work Environment Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against MetLife
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In Black v. ESPN, Inc. et al, No. 155236/2020, 2021 N.Y. Slip Op. 50118(U), 2021 WL 668760 (Sup Ct NY Cty, Feb. 19, 2021), the court denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s disability discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation claims asserted under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. In sum, plaintiff, a…

Read More Disability Discrimination, Hostile Work Environment, & Retaliation Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against ESPN et al
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In Bell v. SL Green Realty Corp. et al, 19 Civ. 8153, 2021 WL 516575 (SDNY Feb. 11, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s race discrimination claim asserted under 42 U.S.C. § 1981. From the decision: The Complaint alleges that Plaintiff is Hispanic. “[T]he existence of a Hispanic ‘race’ has…

Read More Race Discrimination Claim Sufficiently Alleged Against SL Green Realty Corp.
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In Bell v. SL Green Realty Corp. et al, 19 Civ. 8153, 2021 WL 516575 (SDNY Feb. 11, 2021), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment sexual harassment claim. From the decision: To state a hostile work environment claim, the Complaint must plausibly allege that her “workplace is permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Claim Dismissed Against SL Green Realty Corp.
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