
In Smith v. Global Contact Holding Co., No. 156087/2019, 2020 WL 3485542 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County June 26, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged discrimination based on his “gender identify” under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. From the decision: Here, plaintiff has alleged that he…

Read More “Gender Identity” Discrimination Claim Survives Dismissal Under the NYS and NYC Human Rights Laws
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In Calvelos v. City of New York et al, 2020 WL 3414886 (S.D.N.Y. June 22, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff stated a race-based hostile work environment claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From the decision: Plaintiff alleges that, during his first eight months at West Facility, Warden…

Read More Title VII Race-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Sufficiently Alleged Against City of New York
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From Chong v. The City of New York, No. 161606/2018, 2020 WL 3104355, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 31827(U) (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County June 11, 2020) (J. Bluth): A close reading of plaintiff’s amended complaint reveals that plaintiff seems to have many grievances towards his co-workers and supervisors, including a complaint that OLR’s employees…

Read More Race, National Origin Discrimination Complaint Dismissed; Non-Detailed Events That “Almost Happened” Insufficient
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In Morales v. Triborough Podiatry, P.C., No. 2019-03110, 521586/18, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 03408, 2020 WL 3261059 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept. June 17, 2020), the Second Department reversed the lower court’s order denying defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint alleging race and sex discrimination under the New York City Human Rights Law. From the decision: The…

Read More Discrimination Complaint Should Have Been Dismissed; Employment Refusal Preceded Communication of Employment Decision
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In Shukla v. Deloitte Consulting LLP, 2020 WL 3181785 (S.D.N.Y. June 15, 2020), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff sufficiently alleged race/national origin discrimination under the New York City Human Rights Law. The court also dismissed several of plaintiff’s other claims, including his gender, race and national origin discrimination claims under Title VII, Section…

Read More Citing “Expendable Indian” Comment, Court Finds Plaintiff Plausibly Alleged Race/National Origin Discrimination Claim Under the NYC Human Rights Law
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In Sanderson v. Leg Apparel et al, 2020 WL 3100256 (SDNY June 11, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged race-based hostile work environment claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law.…

Read More Race-Based Hostile Work Environment Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against Leg Apparel et al
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In Sanderson v. Leg Apparel et al, 2020 WL 3100256 (SDNY June 11, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged his race-based discrimination claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law. From the decision:…

Read More Race Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged; Allegations Included Disproportionately Heavy Workload
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In Rivera v. JP Morgan Chase, 2020 WL 2787622 (2d Cir. May 29, 2020) (Summary Order), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s race- and national origin-based hostile work environment claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From the decision: To state…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissal Affirmed; Insufficient Details Alleged
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In Rivera v. JP Morgan Chase, 2020 WL 2787622 (2d Cir. May 29, 2020) (Summary Order), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, inter alia, vacated the dismissal of plaintiff’s retaliation claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In sum, plaintiff – who is of Ecuadorian national origin…

Read More Retaliation Claim Resurrected from Dismissal; 2 Months Sufficient to Allege Causation
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In Erno v. New York State Office of Information Technology Services, 2020 WL 2736563 (N.D.N.Y. May 26, 2020), the court, inter alia, granted defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s gender discrimination claim, based on her alleged denial of a desired assignment. The court explained the contours of an “adverse employment action” in this context: An adverse employment…

Read More Gender Discrimination Claim, Based on Denial of Assignment, Dismissed
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