
In Motta v. Glob. Contract Servs. Inc., No. 15 CV 8555 (LGS), 2016 WL 2642229 (S.D.N.Y. May 4, 2016), the court dismissed plaintiff’s retaliation and discriminatory pay claims as insufficiently pled. While the court held that the complaint was deficient, its decision is nevertheless instructive as to what must be alleged in order to survive a…

Read More SDNY Explains Discriminatory Pay, Retaliation Pleading Deficiencies
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In Bell v. McRoberts Protective Agency, No. 15-CV-0963 (JPO), 2016 WL 1688786 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 25, 2016), the court held that plaintiff failed to sufficiently allege race/gender discrimination, retaliation, and hostile work environment claims. The court’s explanation of why the plaintiff’s claims were insufficiently pled is instructive as to what courts look for when evaluating these…

Read More Race/Sex Discrimination, Hostile Work Environment and Retaliation Claims Insufficiently Alleged
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In Capek v. BNY Mellon, N.A., No. 15-cv-4155, 2016 WL 2993211 (S.D.N.Y. May 23, 2016) the court denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s race and religious discrimination claims. Plaintiff alleged in her federal court complaint, e.g., that “[i]n the mistaken belief that [she] is Jewish, she was required by her managers to cultivate clients in…

Read More Work Assignments Based on Perceived Jewish Faith Supports Race/Religious Discrimination Claims, Court Holds
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In Tulino v. City of New York, No. 15-CV-7106 (JMF), 2016 WL 2967847 (S.D.N.Y. May 19, 2016), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged a gender-based hostile work environment claim under the NYC Human Rights Law. In her amended complaint, plaintiff alleged (among other things) that defendant “created and perpetuated a culture that essentially required female…

Read More Plaintiff States Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim; Alleges She Was Called a “Slut” and “Dick Climber”
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In Menghini v. Neurological Surgery, P.C., No. CV 15-3534, 2016 WL 3034482 (E.D.N.Y. May 24, 2016), the court denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s sexual harassment and whistelblower claims, as well as defendants’ motion to strike “redundant, immaterial, impertinent and scandalous” material from plaintiff’s complaint. The facts, briefly and as summarized by the court (here’s plaintiff’s…

Read More Plaintiff States Hostile Work Environment Claim Based on Allegations of “Sexually Charged” Comments
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In Goodwine v. City of New York, No. 15-CV-2868 (JMF), 2016 WL 3017398 (S.D.N.Y. May 23, 2016), the court denied defendants’ FRCP 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss plaintiff’s retaliation and gender/race disparate treatment claims. Plaintiff, an African American woman employed by the NYC Dept. of Information & Telecommunications, sufficiently alleged retaliation by alleging that (1) she…

Read More Plaintiff Sufficiently Alleges Retaliation and Gender/Race Discrimination (But Not Hostile Work Environment)
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In Love v. Premier Util. Servs., LLC, No. 15-cv-5698, 2016 WL 2853532, at (E.D.N.Y. May 13, 2016), the court denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claims of race discrimination (wrongful termination) and racially hostile work environment claims. Race Discrimination As to plaintiff’s race discrimination claim, Eastern District Judge Spatt ruled: [T]he complaint in this case clearly…

Read More Allegations Including “N” Word Use and Racist Confederate Flag-Flying Supervisor Sufficient to Plausibly Allege Race Discrimination and Hostile Work Environment Claims
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In Fough v. Aug. Aichhorn Ctr. for Adolescent Residential Care, Inc., No. 18294/13, 2016 WL 2338423 (N.Y. App. Div. 2nd Dept. May 4, 2016), the court held that the defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s “whistleblower retaliation” lawsuit under CPLR 3211(a)(7) should have been denied – i.e., that plaintiff sufficiently alleged this claim. In sum, plaintiff (a…

Read More Nurse States New York Whistleblower (Labor Law § 740) Claim Based on Alleged Improper Supervision by Unqualified Person
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A recent Southern District case, Moore v. Verizon, No. 13-CV-6467 (RJS), 2016 WL 825001 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 5, 2016), illustrates that the New York City Human Rights Law – while the broadest of the anti-discrimination statutes protecting New York City employees and residents – is not of unlimited breadth. Here, plaintiff (a 62 year-old African American…

Read More Two Age-Related Comments Insufficient to Establish Liability Under the NYC Human Rights Law, Court Holds
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In Gomez v. Stonybrook Univ., 14-cv-7219, 2016 WL 1039539 (E.D.N.Y. Jan. 28, 2016), report and recommendation adopted, 2016 WL 1045536 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 15, 2016), the court held that plaintiff did not suffer an “adverse employment action” and hence dismissed her discrimination claim. (The below text is taken from the Magistrate’s Report and Recommendation.) This case…

Read More Denial of Transfer Did Not Amount to an “Adverse Employment Action”
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