
A recent New York trial court decision again underscores the breadth of the New York City Human Rights Law.  The case is Davis v. Phoenix Ancient Art, decided April 22, 2013. There, plaintiff Emily Davis alleged that she was subjected to sexual harassment and constructively discharged. Plaintiff’s allegations: [I]n September 2010, while at an art…

Read More NYC Human Rights Law Claims Continue, While State Human Rights Law Claims Fail
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The Second Circuit last week issued a summary order granding pro se (i.e., self-represented) plaintiff Diane Robinson an opportunity to amend her complaint alleging employment discrimination and retaliation.  The court’s order in Robinson v. Goulet, 12-3606 (May 17, 2013) is here. Plaintiff alleged that her manager, Peter Goulet, discriminated against her on the basis of her sex…

Read More Second Circuit Gives Pro Se Discrimination Plaintiff Another Chance
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In Brathwaite v. Frankel (decided August 21, 2012), the Appellate Division, First Department unanimously reversed a lower court’s dismissal of plaintiffs’ disability discrimination claims under the New York City Human Rights Law. First, the court held that the trial court improperly treated defendants’ motion, brought under CPLR 3211(a)(7) and (10), as one for summary judgment because it…

Read More First Department Holds That Plaintiffs Adequately Pleaded Disability Discrimination Claim Under the NYC City Human Rights Law
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In Briggs v. Women in Need, Inc, 819 F.Supp.2d 119 (2011), the court denied defendant’s FRCP 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint alleging discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) by her nonprofit employer. The Facts Plaintiff advised her employer of her pregnancy in March 2007, went on medical leave due to her high-risk pregnancy…

Read More Plaintiff May Press Pregnancy Discrimination Claims Against Non-Profit Women in Need Inc.
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In Govori v. Goat Fifty LLC, 10 Civ. 8982 (S.D.N.Y. March 30, 2011), the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff adequately stated a claim for pregnancy discrimination. Plaintiff contended that she was fired after announcing her plans to undergo in vitro fertilization (“IVF”), and sought relief under Title VII of the Civil Rights…

Read More Female Server States Claim For Pregnancy Discrimination, Bias Against In Vitro Fertilization
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