Race / Color Discrimination

In Wynn v. New York City Hous. Auth., No. 14-CV-2818 SAS, 2015 WL 4578684 (S.D.N.Y. July 29, 2015), the court held that a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) did not foreclose plaintiffs from pressing their employment discrimination claims. In this case, plaintiffs allege that NYCHA systematically undercompensated them due to a policy of race discrimination. Defendant argued…

Read More Collective Bargaining Agreement Does Not Deprive Court of Subject Matter Jurisdiction Over Employment Discrimination Claims
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In Burgis v. New York City Dept. of Sanitation (2d Cir. July 31, 2015), a putative class action race discrimination case brought by members of the NYC Dept. of Sanitation, the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of plaintiffs’ claims under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and 42 USC 1981 and Title VII of the…

Read More Class Action Race Discrimination Case Properly Dismissed; Intent, Statistics Insufficiently Alleged
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In Tolbert v. Smith et al, decided by the Second Circuit on June 24, 2015, the court vacated the district court’s judgment dismissing plaintiff’s claims of race discrimination (and affirmed it with respect to his hostile work environment and defamation claims). This case is instructive on the “prima facie case” portion of the employment discrimination analysis. Plaintiff, a…

Read More Non-Tenured, Probationary Teacher Establishes Prima Facie Case of Race Discrimination
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Here is the recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Kieara Gaskin and Tenia Stuckey v. BK Venture Group LTD d/b/a Jaguars 3 and Starlets NYC, 15-cv-04190 (EDNY filed July 16, 2015), in which the plaintiffs allege that they were not paid properly under federal and state wage laws, and subjected to discrimination and a hostile work environment based…

Read More Entertainers’ FLSA, Race/Sex Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against Strip Club
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In Massie v. Metro. Museum of Art, No. 11-CV-9549 JPO, 2015 WL 3833839 (S.D.N.Y. June 22, 2015), the Southern District of New York reiterated that, when asserting a hostile work environment claim, [a] plaintiff need not show that the incidents rendered the work environment “unendurable” or “intolerable,” but she must, to survive a motion for summary…

Read More Court Dismisses Hostile Work Environment Claim Based on “Severe” (but “Isolated”) Remarks
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The recent Southern District of New York case of Amar v. New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., 14-cv-2503 (SDNY June 15, 2015) is instructive on pleading a hostile work environment claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Amar, Judge Ramos held that the plaintiff, an African American woman employed by defendant as…

Read More Asserted Racial Epithets and Physical Threats Plausibly Allege Racially Hostile Work Environment
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A recent decision, DeLaurencio v. Brooklyn Children’s Center, Superintendent (EDNY May 29, 2015), reiterates that Title VII is not a “general civility code” and that “[w]ork environments that are hostile for non-discriminatory reasons do not fall within the ambit of Title VII.” In this case, the court held that none of the allegations in plaintiff’s…

Read More Employment Discrimination / Hostile Work Environment Allegations Amounting to Rude Conduct Unmotivated by Discriminatory Animus Fail to State a Claim
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In Francis v. Kings Park Manor, Inc., 14-cv-3555 (EDNY March 16, 2015), the court held that the plaintiff, an African American man whose neighbor subjected him to racist comments, stated a cause of action for breach of the implied warranty of habitability. Plaintiff alleged, for example, that his next-door neighbor called him a “fucking nigger” and repeatedly…

Read More Racist Neighbor’s Conduct Gives Rise to Breach of Warranty of Habitabilty Claim
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In Orange v. Leake & Watts Inc., No. 13-CV-6110 KBF, 2015 WL 2340649 (S.D.N.Y. May 15, 2015), the court granted defendant’s motion for summary judgment and dismissed plaintiff’s race discrimination and retaliation claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Plaintiff, an African American assistant teacher, alleged “that she suffered an adverse employment…

Read More Court Dismisses Race Discrimination Claim; Disciplinary Notice and Negative Evaluation Were Not “Adverse Employment Actions”
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Here is the federal court complaint filed by Philippa Okoye against her employer deVere Group on May 18, 2015. She alleges hostile work environment sexual harassment, gender discrimination, associational race discrimination (in light of her husband, Lawrence Okoye’s, race), religion-based discrimination, and retaliation under the New York City Human Rights Law.

Read More Philippa Okoye’s Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Against DeVere Group
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