Race / Color Discrimination

In Scott-Iverson v. Independent Health Ass’n., 13-cv-0451 (W.D.N.Y. July 7, 2014), the court adopted a report and recommendation that plaintiff’s race- and sex-based hostile work environment claims may proceed. Plaintiff alleged, among other things, that: In approximately October 1999, [the Defendant] held an employee appreciation day around Halloween and [one of Plaintiff’s co-workers] dressed up…

Read More Offensive “Aunt Jemima” Halloween Costume Supports Hostile Work Environment/Race Discrimination Claim
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In Cadet-Legros v. New York University Hospital Center, 2014 WL 11087457 (Sup. Ct. NY Cty . Oct. 9, 2014), the court denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s race discrimination claim under the New York City Human Rights Law. This decision illustrates how even allegedly “race neutral” language can be evidence of an improper…

Read More Evidence of “Coded Racial Language” Sufficient to Overcome Summary Judgment on Race Discrimination Claim
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Here is the recently-filed federal court complaint (captioned Jermaine Gilyard v. Nine West Group et al., 1:14-cv-07096) in which plaintiff alleges, among other things, that he “was subjected to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, racial discrimination, was disciplined several times on spurious charges, and was finally fired … in retaliation for his attempts…

Read More Race Discrimination and Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against Nine West Group
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In a recently-filed complaint, five plaintiffs allege that they were subject to discrimination and a hostile work environment based on their race and disabilities while employed by Levy Premium Foodservice Limited Partnership, which provides food and catering services for Brooklyn Events Center, d/b/a Barclays Center. Plaintiffs (who are black) allege that defendants subjected plaintiffs to…

Read More Lawsuit Alleging Race and Disability Discrimination Against Barclays Center
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Here is the recently-filed complaint alleging race discrimination against People Magazine and others. Plaintiff, who worked as a Senior Editor at People, alleges that she was subjected to racially discriminatory comments and undermined, ignored, and ultimately fired because of her race. She also alleges the existence of an “openly espoused discriminatory worldview at People Magazine” that…

Read More Race Discrimination Lawsuit Against People Magazine
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In Lapaix v. City of New York (decided Aug. 12, 2014), the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff – a retired Marine Colonel – adequately pleaded various employment discrimination claims. Here’s plaintiff’s complaint. Initially the court held that plaintiff stated military status discrimination claims under the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and the New…

Read More Retired Marine States Military Status, Race, and National Origin Discrimination Claims
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In Abrams v. Department of Public Safety, decided July 14, 2014, the Second Circuit vacated summary judgment in defendants’ favor on plaintiff’s race discrimination claims under Title VII and the Equal Protection Clause (pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983). Plaintiff, an African American detective, argued that he was discriminated against by, among other things, not being…

Read More “Better Fit” Remarks Sufficient to Defeat Summary Judgment in Race Discrimination Case, Second Circuit Holds
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The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a federal lawsuit on July 31, 2014 against Seapod Pawnbrokers, a Brooklyn and Queens-based business, alleging that its owner harassed workers because of their sex, race, and ethnicity, and then fired them for complaining. According to the agency’s press release, the harassment included referring to employees, most of whom were…

Read More EEOC Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment, Race Discrimination, National Origin Discrimination, and Retaliation Against Seapod Pawnbrokers
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Here is the sexual harassment lawsuit, captioned Maysa Abdel-Razeq v. Alvarez & Marsal, Inc. et al., 14-CV-5601, recently filed in the Southern District of New York against defendants Alvarez & Marsal, Inc., Paul Aversano, Anthony Caporrino, and Joel Poretsky. Plaintiff alleges that she was subjected to hostile work environment sexual harassment and race discrimination, and then…

Read More Lawsuit Alleges Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment, Race Discrimination, and Retaliation Against Alvarez & Marsal and Others
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