Religion-Based Discrimination

In Weinstein v. City of New York, New York City Department of Sanitation, 2017 WL 3891699 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 5, 2017), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged discrimination based on his race and religion under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and race, religion, and disability under the New York City Human Rights…

Read More Sanitation Worker’s Race, Color, & Disability Discrimination Claims Survive Motion to Dismiss
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In Le v. New York State, No. 1:16-CV-1517, 2017 WL 3084414 (N.D.N.Y. July 18, 2017), the court discussed and applied the “continuing violation” doctrine/exception under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (I addressed other aspects of this case, including the court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s “perceived as Muslim” discrimination claim, here.) The court summarized…

Read More Court, Finding “Continuing Violation Doctrine” Inapplicable, Dismisses Title VII Discrimination Claims as Time Barred
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In Brooks v. City of Utica, No. 16-cv-1427, 2017 WL 3242273 (N.D.N.Y. July 28, 2017), the court ruled on claims asserted by plaintiff – a firefighter-paramedic and practicing Nazirite – of discrimination based on religion, retaliation, failure to accommodate religious beliefs, and hostile work environment. Plaintiff’s religious observance as a Nazirite required him to keep…

Read More Practicing Nazirite Sufficiently Alleges Religion-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Brooks v. City of Utica, No. 16-cv-1427, 2017 WL 3242273 (N.D.N.Y. July 28, 2017), the court ruled on claims asserted by plaintiff – a firefighter-paramedic and practicing Nazirite – of discrimination based on religion, retaliation, failure to accommodate religious beliefs, and hostile work environment. Plaintiff’s religious observance as a Nazirite required him to keep…

Read More Practicing Nazirite’s Retaliation Claim, Arising From Mistreatment After Requesting Long hair Reasonable Accommodation, Survives Dismissal
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In Chavis v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., No. 15 CIV. 4288 (DC), 2017 WL 3037536 (S.D.N.Y. July 18, 2017), the court, inter alia, granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s claim that she was subjected to a hostile work environment based on her religion. Specifically, plaintiff – an Asset Protection Manager at the Suffern Walmart…

Read More Walmart Awarded Summary Judgment on Religion-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Le v. New York State, No. 1:16-CV-1517, 2017 WL 3084414 (N.D.N.Y. July 18, 2017), the court dismissed plaintiff’s Title VII discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation claims. Plaintiff – a woman of Asian descent – alleged that “defendant has wrongly sided with, and failed to take corrective action against, plaintiff’s co-workers and supervisors, who…

Read More Court Dismisses “Perceived as Muslim” Title VII Discrimination Claim, Among Others
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From Bailey v. Sunrise Senior Living Mgmt., Inc., No. 16-CV-7184(JS)(GRB), 2017 WL 2371196 (E.D.N.Y. May 31, 2017): Here, although Plaintiff’s Complaint broadly alleges that he was subjected to a religion-based or national origin-based adverse employment action, there are no facts set forth in the Complaint from which the Court could reasonably infer a religious-based, or…

Read More “You Are Not a Christian” Comment Insufficient to Plausibly Allege Title VII Discrimination Based on Religion, National Origin
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In Ahmed v. Astoria Bank et al, No. 16-1389-CV, 2017 WL 1906726 (2d Cir. May 9, 2017) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit vacated a summary to defendants on plaintiff’s claims that she was subjected to a hostile work environment because she is Egyptian and Muslim, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act…

Read More Egyptian Muslim’s Hostile Work Environment Claim Against Astoria Bank Survives Summary Judgment
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In Macchio v. Michaels Elec. Supply Corp., 2017 NY Slip Op 02636 (App. Div. 2d Dept. April 5, 2017), the court held that plaintiff presented sufficient evidence of pretext to survive summary judgment on his discrimination, retaliation, and FMLA claims, but that his hostile work environment claim was properly dismissed. In this case, plaintiff alleged,…

Read More Employment Discrimination (Ancestry, Association, Religion), Retaliation, and FMLA Claims Survive Summary Judgment; Hostile Work Environment Claim Properly Dismissed
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In Balk v. New York Institute of Technology, No. 16-984-CV, 2017 WL 1103428, (2d Cir. Mar. 23, 2017) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of the race, national origin, and religious discrimination claims asserted by the plaintiff. The court considered, and rejected, plaintiff’s reliance on the so-called “customer preference” doctrine, which provides (in sum) that…

Read More 2d Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Non-Muslim American Professor’s Race/Religion/National Origin Discrimination Claims
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