
In HUA LIN, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, Defendant-Appellee., 2018 WL 1940394, at *2 (C.A.2 (N.Y.), 2018) (Summary Order), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s Title VII retaliation claim. In resisting dismissal, plaintiff argued, inter alia, that the employer’s explanation for its failure to hire her shifted, justifying a finding of “but…

Read More Retaliation Claim Properly Dismissed, Despite Alleged Inconsistent Explanation [Lin v. NYS Dept. of Labor]
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In Mayer v. Time, Inc., 17-cv-5613, 2018 WL 1738322 (S.D.N.Y. April 9, 2018) (J. Cote), the court dismissed plaintiff’s sex and age discrimination case on the ground of forum non conveniens. The court explained the legal principles applicable to the doctrine, including by noting the three factors to be considered: (1) the degree of deference to be…

Read More Sex, Age Discrimination Claims Dismissed Under Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine; U.K. Was More Appropriate Forum
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In Bell v. Baruch College—CUNY, 16-cv-8378, 2018 WL 1274782 (S.D.N.Y. March 9, 2018), the court granted defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s sexual harassment claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the NYC Human Rights Law, but denied its motion to dismiss plaintiff’s Title VII retaliation claim. In sum, plaintiff – a…

Read More Retaliation Claim, But Not Female-on-Male Sexual Harassment (Hostile Work Environment) Claim, Survives Dismissal
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In Bray v. New York City Dept. of Educ., 2018 WL 1558436 (N.Y.Sup. Ct. NY Cty. March 30, 2018, Index No. 158989/2013) (J. Tisch), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff raised triable issues of fact (and hence denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment) as to her retaliation claim under the NYC Human Rights Law.…

Read More Retaliation Claim, Based on Reaction to Sexual Harassment Complaints, Survives Summary Judgment Against NYC Dept. of Education
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In Adams v. Delta Airlines, Inc., 16-cv-1986, 2018 WL 1532434 (E.D.N.Y. March 29,  2018), the court (inter alia) concluded that plaintiff’s amended complaint sufficiently alleged a “materially adverse employment action” and that plaintiff stated a retaliation claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From the Opinion: Here, the amended complaint alleges that, on June…

Read More ADA Retaliation Claim Survives Dismissal Against Delta Airlines
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In Best v. Duane Reade, Inc. (2d Cir. 17-380 March 22, 2018) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s failure-to-accommodate, discrimination, and retaliation claims under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Here is the legal standard:[1]As usual, citations are omitted. ADA claims are analyzed under the burden-shifting framework established for discrimination claims:…

Read More Disability Discrimination Claims Properly Dismissed Against Duane Reade
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In Amaya v. Ballyshear LLC et al, 17-cv-1596, 2018 WL 1319003 (EDNY March 14, 2018), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff (an Ecuadorian woman amd member of the Hispanic race) sufficiently alleged a race-based hostile work environment claim based on anti-Hispanic epithets. The court explained: [T]o survive a motion to dismiss, “a plaintiff need…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Stated Under 42 U.S.C. § 1981 Based on Racial Epithets
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In Cook v. Emblem Health Services Co., LLC,2018 NY Slip Op 30460(U), 2018 WL 1399351 (N.Y.Sup. Ct. March 16, 2018), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s race discrimination claim. In reaching this conclusion, it addressed the use of so-called “racially coded” language – i.e., language that is facially benign but that may actually have a…

Read More Race Discrimination Claim Dismissed Against Emblem Health, Notwithstanding Alleged Use of “Racially Coded” Language
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From D’Antonio v. Little Flower Children & Family Services of New York et al, 17-cv-1221, 2018 WL 1385897 (E.D.N.Y. March 19, 2018): This Court is persuaded by Judge Lynch’s reasoning in Collette, and based on the facts presented in this case, holds that Plaintiff’s hostile work environment and retaliation claims under Title VII and Section…

Read More NY Whistleblower Law’s Election-of-Remedies Provision Does Not Preclude Hostile Work Environment and Retaliation Claims, Court Holds
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In Jones v. Target Corporation, 15-CV-4672, 2018 WL 1377301 (EDNY March 16, 2018), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s retaliation claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In sum, defendant terminated plaintiff for violating its drug-free workplace policy after marijuana was found in the employee locker room. According to her, the marijuana was…

Read More Court Dismisses Retaliation Claim Against Target; “Cat’s Paw” Theory Inapplicable
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