
In Yeger v. Inst. of Culinary Educ., Inc., No. 14CV8202-LTS, 2017 WL 377936 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 25, 2017), the court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment as to various discrimination claims (including based on plaintiff’s gender, age, and religion), but denied it in part with respect to her FMLA retaliation claim. Here I’ll focus on the court’s…

Read More FMLA Retaliation Claim Survives Summary Judgment (In Part)
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A recent New York state court decision, Fernandez v. POP Displays & Active Staffing Services (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. 154516/2016 Jan. 5, 2017), illustrates the limitations on the geographic reach of the New York City Human Rights Law. The court granted defendant POP Display’s motion to dismiss under CPLR 3211(a)(2) for lack of subject…

Read More Court Dismisses NYC Human Rights Law Claims (Sexual Harassment Etc.) Against Non-NYC Company
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In Offor v. Mercy Medical Center, No. 16-839, 2017 WL 253616 (2d Cir. Jan. 20, 2017) (Summary Order), the court vacated the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) dismissal of plaintiff’s Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) retaliation claim, but affirmed the dismissal of her Title VII race and national origin discrimination claim. From the Order:…

Read More 2d Circuit Vacates Dismissal of FMLA Retaliation Claim, But Affirms Dismissal of Race/National Origin Discrimination Claim
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In a recently-filed New York state court lawsuit, Valenti v. American International Group et al. (NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty. 150678/2017, filed 1/20/17), plaintiff asserts claims of sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and retaliation under the New York City and State Human Rights Laws. In her complaint, plaintiff describes the atmosphere at the company as…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against AIG
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In Blundell v. Nihon Kohden Am., 15-cv-1503, 2017 WL 318842 (N.D.N.Y. Jan. 23, 2017), the court dismissed plaintiff’s age discrimination claims.[1]The court also denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s retaliation claim and his failure-to-accommodate-disability claim in part. This decision is instructive on the use, in litigation, of age-related comments as proof of age discrimination to…

Read More Court Dismisses Age Discrimination Claims, Notwithstanding Age-Related Comments
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In Andaya v. Atlas Air, Inc., 2017 NY Slip Op 00141 (App. Div. 2d Dept. Jan. 11, 2017), the Appellate Division, Second Department affirmed the lower court’s order[1]Andaya v. Atlas Air, Inc., NY Sup. Ct., Westchester Cty., Index No. 58877/2012, Sept. 25, 2014 granting defendant summary judgment on plaintiff’s claims of sexual orientation discrimination and retaliation…

Read More 2d Dept. Affirms Dismissal of Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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In Balgley v. N.Y. City Health & Hosps. Corp., No. 14-CV-9041 (KBF), 2017 WL 95114 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 10, 2017), Southern District Judge Katherine Forrest dismissed plaintiff’s retaliation claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and his disability discrimination claim under the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). In sum, plaintiff alleges that defendant unlawfully…

Read More Court Dismisses Disability Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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In Kasperek v. N.Y. State, Dep’t of Corr. & Cmty. Supervision, No. 16-CV-671V, 2017 WL 85426 (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 10, 2017), the court recommended the denial of defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claim of sex-based hostile work environment. The facts (in part), as summarized by the court: The events pertaining to this case began on October…

Read More Penis Graffiti Among Allegations in Sufficiently-Alleged Sex-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim
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Both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 prohibit – in addition to discrimination based on specified criteria/characteristics – “retaliation” for engaging in “protected activity”. In certain cases, “protected activity” can be the litigation itself. In the matter of Kerrie Campbell v. Chadbourne & Parke LLP,…

Read More Counterclaim Alleged to be Retaliatory in Gender Discrimination Class Action Lawsuit Against Chadbourne & Parke Law Firm
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