Sex / Gender Discrimination

In Alvarez v. New York City Department of Education, 2021 WL 1424851 (S.D.N.Y. April 15, 2021), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged her claims of age- and gender-based employment discrimination. The court summarized the law as follows: “The Second Circuit has not created an unbending or rigid rule about what circumstances allow…

Read More Gender & Age Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against NYC Dept. of Education
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In Kohler v. Federal Emergency Management Agency, et al, 17-cv-07839, 2021 WL 1240322 (S.D.N.Y. April 2, 2021), the court, inter alia, ruled against plaintiff on her sex/gender-based hostile work environment claim. The court outlined the legal elements of such a claim: A plaintiff claiming that her employer created or tolerated a hostile work environment based…

Read More Sex-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed Against FEMA
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In Bush v. Alliant Content, LLC, No. 151495/2020, 2021 WL 1204987 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Mar. 29, 2021), the court dismissed, with prejudice, plaintiff’s claim of employment discrimination under the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). While that statute is comparatively broader than its federal and state counterparts, it will not apply…

Read More Finding Insufficient Connection to New York City, Court Strikes NYC Human Rights Law Claim From Employment Discrimination Complaint
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In Grimes-Jenkins v. Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., 2021 WL 1226658 (S.D.N.Y. March 31, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s gender-based hostile work environment claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York…

Read More Gender-Based Hostile Work Environment Claims Survive Summary Judgment Against Con Edison
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In Franklin v. Myth Clothing Co., No. 161482/2019, 2021 WL 743848 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Feb. 24, 2021) – a gender discrimination case – the court determined that the defendants’ motion to dismiss based on documentary evidence (under CPLR 3211(a)(1)) and for failure to state a claim (under CPLR 3211(a)(7)) to a motion…

Read More Gender Discrimination Claim to be Decided on Summary Judgment; Evidence Included Praise of Alleged Harasser by Female Employees
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In Espinosa v. Weill Cornell Medical College, 18 Civ. 11665, 2021 WL 1062592 (S.D.N.Y. March 19, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s gender-based hostile work environment claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human…

Read More Gender-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Against Weill Cornell Medical College Survives Summary Judgment
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In Espinosa v. Weill Cornell Medical College, 18 Civ. 11665, 2021 WL 1062592 (S.D.N.Y. March 19, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s gender discrimination claim. From the decision: Espinosa adduces sufficient facts upon which the trier of fact may reasonably base an inference of gender discrimination. Direct evidence…

Read More Gender Discrimination Claim Against Weill Cornell Medical College Survives Summary Judgment
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In Tromblee v. The State of New York et al, 19-cv-0638, 2021 WL 981847 (N.D.N.Y. March 16, 2021), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff’s hostile work environment sexual harassment claim “far exceed[ed] legal sufficiency.” While defendants did not move to dismiss this claim, the court’s discussion is nevertheless instructive. The court summarized the “black…

Read More Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Claim Held Legally Sufficient; Allegations Include Sexually Demeaning Language & Touching
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In Comerford v. Village of North Syracuse et al, 2021 WL 950974 (N.D.N.Y. March 12, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s gender-based hostile work environment claim. As to the “objectively severe or pervasive” prong of the analysis, the court explained: Plaintiff provided evidence of the following treatment and…

Read More Gender-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Against Village of North Syracuse et al
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In Di Mauro v. Equinox Holdings, Inc., No. 162189/2019, 2021 WL 698917, 2021 N.Y. Slip Op. 30498(U), 2–3 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Feb. 22, 2021), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s claims of public accommodation discrimination against Equinox Holdings. The court summarized the facts as follows: This action arises out of an altercation…

Read More Court Dismisses Gym Member’s Public Accommodation Sexual Harassment Claim Against Equinox
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