Sex / Gender Discrimination

In Ibrahim v. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, 19-CV-3821, 2020 WL 107104 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 9, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged sexual harassment under the New York City Human Rights Law, codified at N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8–107(1)(a) (NYCHRL). The court’s decision nicely summarizes the present state of the law regarding how…

Read More Sexual Harassment Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against Fidelity Brokerage Services, Court Holds
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In Holmes v. YMCA of Yonkers, Inc., 19 CV 620 (VB), 2020 WL 85389 (SDNY Jan. 7, 2020), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff sufficiently alleged employment discrimination based on gender (under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and age (under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act). The court summarized the…

Read More Title VII and ADEA Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged; Complaint, While “Sparse”, Held Sufficient
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In Saltzman v. Exlservice Holdings Inc., No. 154361/2019, 2019 WL 6843028 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Dec. 11, 2019), the court denied defendants’ motion to compel arbitration of plaintiff’s gender discrimination and retaliation claims asserted under the New York City Human Rights Law. In sum, plaintiff asserts that defendants treated her worse than similarly-situated…

Read More Gender Discrimination and Retaliation Claims Not Subject to Arbitration Clause, Court Holds
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In Haleigh Breest v. Paul Haggis, No. 161137/17, 9783, 2019 N.Y. Slip Op. 09398, 2019 WL 7196544 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Dec. 26, 2019), the court addressed the following question: what must a plaintiff allege in order to state a cause of action under New York City’s Victims of Gender–Motivated Violence Protection Law (Administrative Code of…

Read More Court Interprets, and Finds Claim Stated Against Paul Haggis Under, the NYC Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law
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In Scalercio-Isenberg v. Morgan Stanley Services Group Inc., 2019 WL 6916099 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 19, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s failure-to-hire gender discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From the decision: [Plaintiff] has failed to make out a prima facie case that she suffered age or gender discrimination when…

Read More Failure-to-Hire Gender Discrimination Claim Dismissed Against Morgan Stanley
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In Doton v. City of Syracuse, 11-CV-620, 2019 WL 6337326 (NDNY Nov. 27, 2019), a gender discrimination case, the court ruled on various motions in limine with respect to evidence the parties seek to introduce at the upcoming trial. Among other issues addressed by the court, defendants sought to preclude Plaintiff from offering “me too” evidence “regarding…

Read More Court Discusses “Me Too” Evidence in Gender Discrimination Case
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In Katsoolis v. Liquid Media Group, Ltd., 2019 WL 6050972 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 15, 2019), the court ruled on proposed amendments to plaintiff’s employment discrimination complaint under the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). This case is instructive as to how courts assess complaints for facial sufficiency vis-a-vis the issue of discriminatory motive/intent in an…

Read More Proposed Gender Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against Liquid Media Group
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“Clever men may easily conceal their motivations.” Thus writes the Second Circuit in a recent case, Khanna v. MUFG Union Bank, N.A., 2019 WL 6127418 (2d Cir. Nov. 19, 2019) (Summary Order), in which the court vacated the district court’s dismissal – under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) – of plaintiff’s race and gender…

Read More 2d Circuit Revives Race/Gender Discrimination Claims
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In Boger v. New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, 17-cv-289, 2019 WL 6038545 (N.D.N.Y. Nov. 14, 2019) – an age and discrimination case – the court, inter alia, precluded plaintiff from introducing so-called “me too” evidence from plaintiff’s co-workers who were also allegedly discriminated against. The court reasoned: Because Nagle and…

Read More Co-Worker Employment Discrimination Evidence Precluded as Prejudicial
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As you may have heard, Steve Easterbrook was recently dismissed from his position as President and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald’s due to his alleged consensual relationship with a staff member, which was against company policy.  It was also reported that he will receive a severance package of nearly $42 million – comprising six months…

Read More McDonald’s CEO Stephen Easterbrook Terminated Following Relationship With Employee
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