Sex / Gender Discrimination

In a recent gender discrimination lawsuit captioned Consing v. NYC Health & Hospitals Corp. and Zenaida Magnaye-Banzon, EDNY 15-cv-01548 (March 25, 2015), plaintiff, a man, asserts that the defendants failed to hire him because he is male. He asserts, for example (at paragraph 19) that Magnaye-Banzon told him that the position would “not work” for him because…

Read More Anti-Male Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against NYC Health & Hospitals Corp.
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In Derrick v. American Intl. Group, Inc. (App. Div. 1st Dept. March 19, 2015), the Appellate Division, First Department reversed the lower court’s order granting defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint and denying plaintiff’s motion to amend her complaint. In this case, plaintiff asserts claims for race, national origin, and gender discrimination and harassment. Citing NY…

Read More Adverse Unemployment Decision Does Not Preclude Discrimination Claims, Court Holds
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More lawyers (allegedly) behaving badly. Here is the complaint, captioned Chechelnitsky v. McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP, SDNY 15-cv-01777 (March 10, 2015), filed in the Southern District of New York on March 10, 2015 containing allegations of sexual harassment by an associate attorney against Newark, NJ-based law firm McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter. Plaintiff…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Law Firm McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter
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In Overbeck v. Alpha Animal Health, P.C. (App. Div. 2nd Dept. Jan. 28, 2015), the Appellate Division, Second Department reversed the lower court’s order granting summary judgment to defendants on plaintiff’s sex discrimination and retaliation claims under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. This decision illustrates that even “voluntary” sexual conduct –…

Read More Evidence of Intimidation Into Sexual Relationship Overcomes Summary Judgment for Defendants on Sex Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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When many people think of sexual harassment, they likely think of a man sexually harassing their female subordinate. However, sexual harassment works both ways – i.e., the harasser, as well as the victim. That was the case in Hasper v. County of Suffolk, decided by the Eastern District of New York on Feb. 25, 2015. There,…

Read More Treating Male and Female Sexual Harassment Victims Differently Creates Factual Issue on Title VII Gender Discrimination Claim
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In a federal court complaint captioned Pereyra v. Toys “R” Us Property Co. et al., 15-cv-00048 (SDNY Jan. 6, 2015), plaintiff alleges discrimination on the basis of sex/gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, retaliation, and constructive discharge. Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that his supervisor harassed him by calling him a “fag” and saying making…

Read More Discrimination Lawsuit Against Toys “R” Us
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The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Seapod Pawnbrokers have entered into a consent decree resolving a lawsuit, EEOC v. Seapod Pawnbrokers, Inc. et al., EDNY 14-cv-4567. (Here is the EEOC press release.) In its October 2014 amended complaint, the EEOC alleges that defendants violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by subjecting female employees to…

Read More $300K Consent Decree in EEOC’s Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Seapod Pawnbrokers
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