Court: E.D.Pa

In Brooks v. Prevention Point, No. 20-06379, 2021 WL 6125205 (E.D.Pa. Dec. 28, 2021), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged his claims of race discrimination. The court explained that, in order to make out a prima facie case of discrimination, plaintiff was required to show four elements, namely, that he “(1) is…

Read More Race Discrimination Claims Plausibly Alleged; Allegations Included Singling Out Etc.
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In Carey v. Chadds Ford Tavern, 20-4236, 2021 WL 5448960 (E.D. Pa Nov. 22, 2021), the court denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s hostile work environment sexual harassment claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and state law. In concluding that the alleged conduct was “severe or pervasive”,…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim Survives Summary Judgment Against PA Tavern
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In Bearer v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. et al, 19-5415, 2021 WL 4145053 (E.D.Pa. Sept. 8, 2021), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on her hostile work environment / sexual harassment claim arising from defendant’s President and CEO slapped plaintiff’s buttocks. The court distinguished this case from one in which the…

Read More Sexual Battery / Hostile Work Environment (Butt-Slapping) Claim Survives Summary Judgment Against Teva Pharmaceuticals
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