D Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

In Serdans v. New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Appellate Division, First Department permitted plaintiff’s claim that defendant failed to accommodate her disability to continue. Plaintiff, a registered nurse and nurse practitioner specializing in critical care, “suffers from a neurological disorder for which she was treated with deep brain stimulus (DBS) through electrodes permanently implanted in…

Read More Court Allows Failure to Accommodate Neurological Disability Claim to Continue
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In Wright v. Emigrant Savings Bank, the Appellate Division, First Department recently held that the Supreme Court, Bronx County properly denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment dismissing plaintiff’s complaint. Defendant failed to “establish[] prima facie that it did not create or have notice of the black ice that allegedly caused plaintiff to slip and fall,…

Read More Plaintiff’s Case Arising From Slip/Fall on Black Ice Continues
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In Munasca v Morrison Mgt. LLC, a trip-and-fall case, the Appellate Division, First Department reversed the trial court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s case on summary judgment. Plaintiff was injured after tripping and falling on a sidewalk defect in front of defendants’ premises. The court held that defendant failed to show, as a matter of law, that the…

Read More Sidewalk Tlip and Fall Case Continues; Pictures Didn’t Show That Defect Was “Trivial”
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A Nassau County trial court recently held, in DeMay v. Wheatley Hills Golf Club, Inc., that plaintiff presented enough evidence to proceed on her gender discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation, and aiding and abetting claims under the New York State Human Rights Law, NY Executive Law § 296(1)(a). Plaintiff Toni DeMay, the former General Manager of…

Read More Court Finds in Favor of Female Manager Against Country Club on Gender Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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In Meadors v. Ulster County, the Northern District of New York held in favor of plaintiffs, county corrections officers, on various employment discrimination claims. Here we summarize the court’s holdings on plaintiffs’ sexual harassment, disparate treatment, retaliation, and pregnancy discrimination claims. Hostile Work Environment The court held that plaintiffs presented “barely” just enough evidence to survive…

Read More Court Rules in Favor of Corrections Employees on Sexual Harassment, Sex Discrimination, Retaliation, and Pregnancy Discrimination Claims
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In Smith v. Town of Hempstead Dept. of Sanitation Sanitary District No. 2, decided November 16, 2013, the Eastern District of New York discussed the application of the Supreme Court’s recent Nassar decision in the context of a summary judgment motion.   Nassar modified the standard for proving retaliation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of…

Read More Plaintiff Presented Sufficient Evidence of Retaliation to Survive Summary Judgment Under New “But For” Causation Standard
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In Denermark v 2857 W. 8th St. Assoc., a trip and fall case, the Appellate Division, Second Department reversed a grant of summary judgment to defendants. Plaintiff was injured when she “overstepped” a single step and caused her to trip and fall onto the adjacent sidewalk while exiting a building owned by defendant 2857 West 8th…

Read More Right of Entry to Make Repairs Subjected Out-of-Possession Landlord to Liability in Trip and Fall Case
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Recently in Amadu v. Stratus Hacking Corp., a car accident case, the New York Supreme Court, Queens County held that plaintiff presented sufficient evidence to raise a triable issue of fact as to whether he suffered a “serious injury” within the meaning of Insurance Law Section 5102(d). The “serious injury” issue is critical in an automobile…

Read More Medical Evidence of “Strained Lumbar Spine” and “Right Ankle Sprain” Sufficient to Create Fact Issue Regarding “Serious Injury” in Car Accident Case
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In Morales v. New York City Housing Authority, plaintiff sued to recover for injuries he sustained after he slipped on a liquid or slippery substance (possibly urine) and fell down the stairs in a building owned and operated by defendants. The court (New York Supreme Court, Kings County) denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment. Initially,…

Read More Slip/Fall Case Proceeds Due to Defendants’ Failure to Demonstrate Sufficient Cleaning and Inspection
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In Angeles v. American United Transp., Inc., a car accident case, the Appellate Division, First Department, affirmed the trial court’s (Supreme Court, Bronx County) denial of defendants’ motion for summary judgment on the “serious injury” threshold issue. The “serious injury” threshold frequently arises in automobile accident cases. Section 5104(a) of the New York Insurance Law…

Read More “Serious Injury” Found Based on Cervical and Lumbar Spine injuries
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