Employment Discrimination Sufficiently Alleged

In Wallace v. Esper, 18-cv-6525, 2019 WL 4805813 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 30, 2019), the court, inter alia, denied plaintiff’s claim of age discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). From the decision: Wallace has also “ple[d] sufficient facts … to plausibly support a minimal inference of ‘but-for’ causality between [her] age” and these adverse…

Read More Attorney’s ADEA Age Discrimination Claim Survives Dismissal
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In Akinde v. NYC Health & Hospital Corp. et al, 16-cv-8882, 2019 WL 4392959 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 13, 2019), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiff sufficiently alleged discrimination and retaliation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Judge Woods summarized the relevant legal standard(s):[1]Paragraphing added. To establish a…

Read More Complaint Sufficiently Alleges Title VII and ADA Discrimination & Retaliation Claims, Court Finds
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From Casarella v. New York State Department of Transportation, 2018 WL 4372674 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 13, 2018): Plaintiff has sufficiently alleged he is part of a protected class and that he was qualified for his position to satisfy the motion to dismiss standard. (Compl. ¶¶ 25–29.) However, whether Plaintiff sufficiently alleged that he was subject to…

Read More Plaintiff Plausibly Alleges Title VII National Origin Discrimination Claim
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In Rodrigues v. Watershed Ventures LLC, 2018 N.Y. Slip Op. 30322(U), 2018 WL 1030303 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Feb. 23, 2018), the court held, inter alia, that plaintiffs sufficiently alleged a claim for discrimination under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. The court explained the applicable legal standards: In employment discrimination actions brought pursuant…

Read More Race Discrimination Claim Sufficiently Alleged Against Watershed Ventures
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In Estevez v. S & P Sales and Trucking LLC et al, 17-cv-1733, 2017 WL 5635933 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 22, 2017), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged a race discrimination claim under 42 U.S.C. 1981. In sum, plaintiff – a male of Hispanic race and Dominican national origin – was terminated by defendants, allegedly on…

Read More Race & National Origin Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Pled; Complaint Sufficiently Alleged That Defendants Treated a Similarly Situated Employee in Different Racial Group More Favorably Than Plaintiff
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In Kassapian v. City of New York, 2017 NY Slip Op 07985, 2017 WL 5474008 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept. Nov. 15, 2017), the Second Department held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged claims of sexual harassment, age discrimination, and retaliation under the NYC Human Rights Law. As to plaintiff’s sexual harassment claim, the court explained: The allegation that…

Read More Sexual Harassment, Age Discrimination, and Retaliation Claims Survive Dismissal; Evidence Included Sex Toy at Work
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In Cherry v. NYC Housing Authority et al, 15-cv-6949, 2017 WL 4357344 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 29, 2017) (J. Brodie), the court held (inter alia) that plaintiff sufficiently alleged gender discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the New York State Human Rights Law. Plaintiff – a black male – alleged, among…

Read More Male Worker’s Gender Discrimination Among Claims Surviving Dismissal
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In Weinstein v. City of New York, New York City Department of Sanitation, 2017 WL 3891699 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 5, 2017), the court held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged discrimination based on his race and religion under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and race, religion, and disability under the New York City Human Rights…

Read More Sanitation Worker’s Race, Color, & Disability Discrimination Claims Survive Motion to Dismiss
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