Judge: Ann M. Donnelly

In Ivankovskaya v. Metro. Transportation Auth. Bus Co., No. 15-cv-5727, 2017 WL 3328166 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2017), the court dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Plaintiff worked as a bus operator for the MTA Bus Company. After being diagnosed with a disc herniation, she requested a “reasonable accommodation”…

Read More ADA Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed; Yelling Insufficient
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In Ivankovskaya v. Metro. Transportation Auth. Bus Co., No. 15-cv-5727, 2017 WL 3328166 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2017), the court dismissed plaintiff’s disability discrimination claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), on the ground that plaintiff did not plausibly allege that she suffered a “disability” within the meaning of the statute.[1]The court also granted defendant’s…

Read More Court Dismisses ADA Disability Discrimination Claim; Complaint Did Not Plausibly Allege That Plaintiff’s Medical Condition Was a “Disability” Because it Did Not “Substantially Limit” a “Major Life Activity”
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