NYC Human Rights Law

In Hernandez v. Kaisman, 2012 NY Slip Op 09191 [103 AD3d 106], the Appellate Division, First Department recently clarified that hostile work environment claims brought under the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) must be analyzed separately from, and more broadly than, similar claims brought under state and federal law. In this case the motion court…

Read More First Department Reinstates Plaintiff’s Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Claims Under the NYC Human Rights Law
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Below is a copy of the lawsuit filed against the Metropolitan Opera by stage carpenter Teri Orsburn.   Ms. Orsburn alleges, among other things, sexual harassment, retaliation, negligent supervision and retention, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and battery.   [scribd id=106303619 key=key-1yu9nseehgn1xwe6sgxt mode=scroll]

Read More Sexual Harassment (Etc.) Suit Against Metropolitan Opera
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In Brathwaite v. Frankel (decided August 21, 2012), the Appellate Division, First Department unanimously reversed a lower court’s dismissal of plaintiffs’ disability discrimination claims under the New York City Human Rights Law. First, the court held that the trial court improperly treated defendants’ motion, brought under CPLR 3211(a)(7) and (10), as one for summary judgment because it…

Read More First Department Holds That Plaintiffs Adequately Pleaded Disability Discrimination Claim Under the NYC City Human Rights Law
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In MacMillan v. Millenium Broadway Hotel (SDNY June 11, 2012), the Southern District of New York found that the plaintiff successfully proved that he was subject to a racially hostile work environment.  While at work plaintiff encountered a voodoo doll with a “black face and pink lips” hanging from a bulletin board by a rope around…

Read More “Voodoo Doll Lynching” Race Discrimination Verdict Upheld
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In a Southern District of New York complaint, captioned Earl E. Brown v. AIG Investments and John P. Hornbostel, SDNY 12-cv-3243 (4/25/2012), plaintiff, an attorney, alleges claims of race discrimination and retaliation against AIG Global Asset Management Holdings Corp. and managing director John Hornbostel. Among other things, plaintiff asserts that Hornbostel made disparaging comments about African Americans,…

Read More Hey Hey Hey! “Fat Albert” & Other Comments Give Rise to Race Discrimination Lawsuit
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Below is a copy of the complaint filed by aspiring model Hayden Holt against New York modeling agency Emmanuel NY Models Inc. and its principal, Aristeo Tengco, for sexual harassment, retaliation, wage violations, and breach of contract. Specifically, Holt asserts that Tengco inappropriately touched her, and then retaliated against her – by apparently having her…

Read More Aspiring Model’s Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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Below is a copy of the complaint filed on Wednesday, January 25th in New York State court against New York University and James Stuckey by Stephanie Bonadio, a director at NYU’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies.  Plaintiff alleged that NYU advised her “that her job no longer existed and that there was no specific…

Read More NYU Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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In Bennett v. Health Mgt. Sys., Inc., 2011 NY Slip Op. 09206 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dept. Dec. 20, 2011), the Appellate Division, First Department for the first time provided “an examination of whether, and to what extent, the three-step burden-shifting approach set forth in McDonnell Douglas v Green (411 US 792 [1973]), must be…

Read More Court Clarifies Summary Judgment Analysis For Discrimination Claims Under the New York City Human Rights Law
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