NYS Human Rights Law

In Pelepelin v. City of New York, No. 12535, 154246/18, 2019-5743, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 07291, 2020 WL 7061886 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Dec. 03, 2020), the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, inter alia, held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged a discriminatory failure to promote claim under the New York State and City Human…

Read More NYPD Detective’s Failure-to-Promote Discrimination Claims, Based on Age and National Origin (Russian), Sufficiently Alleged Under NYS & NYC Human Rights Laws
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In Pesce v. Mendes & Mount, LLP et al, 2020 WL 7028641 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 30, 2020), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s hostile work environment sexual harassment claim. From the decision: Assessing the totality of the circumstances, and noting that the Second Circuit has “repeatedly cautioned against setting the bar too…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim Against Mendes & Mount Survives Dismissal
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In Brown v. City of New York, No. 12411, 152006/19, 2020-02127, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 06700, 2020 WL 6731830 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Nov. 17, 2020), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s disability discrimination claim asserted under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws, on the ground that it did “not contain any…

Read More Disability Discrimination Claims, Based on Asthma and Cancer, Held Properly Dismissed
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In Mozzachio v. Schanzer, No. 2018-12385, 521309/17, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 06522, 2020 WL 6601906 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept., Nov. 12, 2020) – a sexual harassment case – the court, inter alia, held that an arbitration agreement was enforceable by the defendant. In this case, the plaintiff alleges claims of sexual harassment and hostile work environment,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Plaintiff Bound by Arbitration Agreement, Court Holds
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In Correa v. City of New York, 2020 NY Slip Op 06383 (NY App. Div. 1 Dept. Nov. 10, 2020), the Appellate Division, First Department affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s disability discrimination claim under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. From the decision: Plaintiff alleges that defendants discriminated against her on the…

Read More Disability Discrimination Claim, Arising From Depression Disclosure, Properly Dismissed
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In Campbell v. The City of New York, No. 150019/2020, 2020 WL 6161621, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 33440(U) (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Oct. 20, 2020), the court granted defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint alleging discrimination under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. This decision is instructive as to the…

Read More Race/Gender Discrimination Claims Insufficiently Alleged Under the NYC Human Rights Law, Court Holds
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In Ware v. L-3 Vertex Aerospace, LLC, 2020 WL 6494823 (2d Cir. Nov. 5, 2020) (Summary Order), the court, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s employment discrimination claims asserted under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws on geographic grounds. From the Order: Ware was a resident of Jacksonville, Florida during his…

Read More Afghanistan-Based Employee’s New York State and City Law Discrimination Claims Properly Dismissed
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In Stephens v. New York State Division of Human Rights, No. 100699/18, 12163, 2019-5430, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 06038, 2020 WL 6163900 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Oct. 22, 2020), the court, inter alia, upheld the dismissal (by the NYS Division of Human Rights) of the petitioner’s disability discrimination claims. Here, the NYSDHR issued a determination of…

Read More Disability Discrimination Claims, Based on “Invisible” or “Hidden” Disability (Brain Injury), Properly Dismissed
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In Green v. Mount Sinai Health System, Inc. et al, 2020 WL 6165969 (2d Cir. Oct. 22, 2020) (Summary Order), the court affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s retaliation claim asserted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Specifically, the court held that (1) plaintiff did not engage in “protected activity”, (2) plaintiff…

Read More Retaliation Claim Dismissed; “Generalized Complaints” Did Not Constitute “Protected Activity”
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In Dipinto v. Westchester County et al, 2020 WL 6135902 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 19, 2020), the court, inter alia, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s disability-related hostile work environment claims asserted under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the New York State Human Rights Law. In sum, plaintiff alleged that he suffered mistreatment after he injured…

Read More County Employee States Disability-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Following Foot Injury
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