Religion-Based Discrimination

In a recent case, Chenzira v. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Med. Ctr., an Ohio federal court found that plaintiff stated a claim for religious discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Defendant fired plaintiff because plaintiff refused to get a flu shot.  Plaintiff alleged that this “violated her religious and philosophical convictions…

Read More Broccoli Worship? Federal Court Finds That Veganism Can Be A “Religion” Under Title VII
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In a recent release, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission highlights the increase in employment discrimination claims brought by members of the Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian communities in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Especially in these difficult times, it is important to ensure that everyone is protected by the…

Read More EEOC Weighs in on Discrimination and Harassment of Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian Employees
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