Sex / Gender Discrimination

In Vasquez v. Manhattan Physician Group, 2018 WL 587135, 2018 N.Y. Slip Op. 30157(U) (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Jan. 29, 2018), the court denied the motion for summary judgment filed by defendant, a medical office, on plaintiff’s claim of sexual harassment under the New York City Human Rights Law. In sum, this cases arose from the…

Read More Public Accommodation Sexual Harassment is Actionable Under the NYC Human Rights Law, Court Holds
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Lauren Bonner v. Point72 Asset Management, L.P., Steven A. Cohen, et al (SDNY 18-cv-1233 filed 2/12/18), plaintiff asserts, among other things, that defendant engaged in gender discrimination by, e.g., holding “no girls allowed” meetings and paying female employees “substantially less than their male counterparts.” She also alleges that the President…

Read More Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Point72 Asset Management, Steven Cohen
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On January 10, 2018, the New York City Human Rights Law was amended with respect to its definitions of “sexual orientation” (N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8-102(20)) and “gender” (id. § 8-102(23)) to effectively broaden those terms. The NYC Human Rights Law, inter alia, prohibits discrimination (in various forms) “because of the actual or perceived … gender [or]…

Read More Local Law Amends NYC Human Rights Law’s Definitions of “Sexual Orientation”, “Gender”
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One venue available to victims of employment discrimination – including being subjected to a hostile work environment – is to pursue a claim in the New York State Division of Human Rights, an administrative agency that enforces the New York State Human Rights Law. Proceeding in that forum, however, results in a relatively limited range…

Read More Court Summarizes Scope of Judicial Review of NYS Division of Human Rights Determinations; Upholds Dismissal of Hostile Work Environment and Constructive Discharge Claims
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In Basso v. EarthLink, Inc., 2018 NY Slip Op 00030 (App. Div. 1st Dept. Jan. 2, 2018), the court affirmed summary judgment in defendants’ favor on plaintiff’s claims of gender and age discrimination under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. From the decision: Plaintiff carried her “de minimis burden” of showing a prima…

Read More Age/Gender Discrimination Claims Properly Dismissed; Pretext Not Shown
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In Shellogg v. DST Russian and Turkish Bath, Inc. et al, 2017 WL 6602277, 2017 NY Slip Op 51914(U) (App. Term, 1st Dept. Dec. 22, 2017) (unpublished), the court reversed summary judgment for defendants on plaintiff’s claims of gender discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. Here are…

Read More Punishment for Refusal to Engage in Sex With Clients Sufficient to Overcome Summary Judgment on Gender Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment Claims Against Russian & Turkish Baths
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In Eng v. City of New York, 17-1308, 2017 WL 5438877 (2d Cir. Nov. 14, 2017) (Summary Order), the court affirmed the dismissal of, inter alia,[1]The court also affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s claims under the Equal Pay Act and the New York City Human Rights Law. plaintiff’s employment discrimination claims under the New York State…

Read More NYS Human Rights Law Claims Fail Under Federal Pleading Standard
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On November 18, 2017, a plaintiff filed a lawsuit (captioned Cater v. State of New York et al (SDNY 17-cv-9032 Nov. 18, 2017)) against the State of New York, the Empire State Development Corporation, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and William Ballard Hoyt a/k/a Samuel B. Hoyt, III. In it, plaintiff alleges, inter alia, that “Defendant Hoyt engaged in…

Read More Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation Lawsuit Against New York State, Governor Cuomo, William Hoyt, et al
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In Garcia v. Barclays Capital, Inc., et al, 13-cv-5308, 2017 WL 5499789 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 15, 2017), the court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment and dismissed plaintiff’s employment discrimination claims. The court reached this decision by, inter alia, applying the so-called “same actor inference.” That doctrine provides that “the person who made the decision to…

Read More Court Applies “Same Actor Inference” in Dismissing Latina Woman’s Employment Discrimination Claims Against Barclays
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