Sex / Gender Discrimination

In Edwards v. Khalil, No. 12 CIV. 8442 (JCM), 2016 WL 1312149 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2016), the court held (among other things) that plaintiff (a female police officer) presented enough evidence to survive summary judgment on her claims of gender discrimination under Title VII and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. From the decision: On the basis…

Read More Title VII Gender Discrimination Claim Survives Summary Judgment; Plaintiff Presented Evidence That Female Plaintiff Was Disciplined More Harshly Than Similarly-Situated Male Workers
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The NYC Commission on Human Rights recently issued its Legal Enforcement Guidance on Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy (as set forth in Local Law No. 78 (2013); N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8-107(22)). (Press release here.) The Legal Guidance provides, in part: Pregnancy discrimination under the NYCHRL is discrimination based on gender. Prior to 2014,…

Read More NYC Commission on Human Rights Issues Pregnancy Discrimination Legal Enforcement Guidance
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In Hernandez v. Kaisman, 2016 WL 1737263 (N.Y. App. 1st Dept. May 3, 2016), the court affirmed the lower court’s award of attorney fees in the amount of $264,612.50. The New York City Human Rights Law provides for an award of a reasonable attorney fee to the prevailing party. In upholding the fee award in…

Read More Court Explains Decision to Affirm $264,612.50 Attorney Fee Award in Gender Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment Case
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Grant v. New York Times et al, 16-cv-03175 (filed April 28, 2016), two named plaintiffs (individually and on behalf of all similarly situated persons) allege age, race, and gender discrimination against the New York Times. From the complaint: The New York Times, widely touted as the “paper of record,” has…

Read More Age, Race, Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against the New York Times
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In Styka v. My Merchants Services LLC et al (EDNY 14-cv-6198 (March 15, 2016)), an employment discrimination/sexual harassment/hostile work environment/retaliation case, Eastern District of New York Magistrate Judge Scanlon recommended awarding plaintiff $120,000 to compensate her for emotional distress (in addition to other damages, such as back pay and punitive damages) following defendants’ default. This case…

Read More Court Recommends Award of $120,000 in Emotional Distress Damages in Gender Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment/Sexual Harassment Case
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Bliss v. MXK Restaurant Corp. d/b/a Remix et al, 16-cv-02676 (SDNY, filed April 11, 2016), plaintiff – a gay female – alleges that she was subjected to a hostile work environment, gender discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination. Among other things, she alleges that throughout her employment she was required to work…

Read More Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment, Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawsuit Against Club Remix and its Owner
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In an Gottwald v. Sebert (NY Sup. Ct. 653118/2014 April 6, 2016), the court dismissed singer Kesha’s claims against, inter alia, Lukasz Gottwald (professionally known as Dr. Luke). This is a breach of contract action brought by Gottwald, and includes counterclaims asserted by Kesha alleging, among other things, violations of New York City and State statutes…

Read More Court Dismisses Kesha’s Claims Alleging, e.g., Gender Discrimination Under the NYS and NYC Human Rights Laws and Gender-Motivated Violence
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In a consent decree filed on March 24, 2016, plaintiff U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and defendants (various Mavis Tire entities and Cole Muffler) resolved plaintiff’s claims of gender discrimination (failure to hire). In its 2012 federal court complaint, the EEOC asserted that Defendants … failed to hire … qualified female applicants while hiring less qualified men for…

Read More $2.1 Million Consent Decree in Gender Discrimination/Failure to Hire Case Against Mavis Tire et al
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In a lawsuit captioned Batista v. Best Buy Stores, NY Sup Ct Index 151565-2016 (filed 2/25/16), plaintiff – a member of Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” – alleges that she was subjected to discrimination based on her gender and race. She asserts claims of gender discrimination, hostile work environment, constructive discharge, and retaliation. She alleges, among other things,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Best Buy
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In a recently-filed lawsuit, Last v. Consolidated Edison (SDNY 16-cv-00468), plaintiff Jovira Last asserts that she experienced sex-based discrimination at her employer, Con Edison, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the New York City Human Rights Law. The complaint refers to “ConEd’s negative and stereotyped view of women…

Read More Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Against Con Edison
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