Sexual Harassment

In a new lawsuit, captioned Rehal v. Harvey Weinstein et al, SDNY 18-cv-00674 (filed January 25, 2018), plaintiff (Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant) asserts, inter alia, that she “was forced to work in a pervasive and severe sexually hostile work environment at The Weinstein Company LLC and The Weinstein Company Holdings LLC[], defined by endless offensive,…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Harvey Weinstein
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In Mula v. AbbVie, Inc., 15-CV-6563-FPG, 2018 WL 501277 (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 22, 2018), the court granted summary judgment to defendant on plaintiff’s hostile work environment and retaliation claims. In sum, plaintiff alleged that she was sexually harassed by her supervisor (McCutchan) and then subjected to retaliation for complaining about it. Among other things, plaintiff claimed that…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed, In Light of Evidence That Employer Followed its Anti-Discrimination Policy
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The Producers Guild of America has recently issued Anti-Sexual Harassment Guidelines. Those Guidelines [PDF], according to the PGA’s website, comprise “information and recommendations as first steps to preventing and responding to harassment in the workplace” and “are provided to assist … in creating policies and programs and to assist individuals in responding to harassing behavior.”

Read More Sexual Harassment Guidelines Issued by Producers Guild of America
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In a recently-filed sexual harassment lawsuit, plaintiffs – both EMTs – assert claims of, inter alia, harassment and retraction for complaining about it. The lawsuit (filed in the Eastern District of New York on January 16, 2018) is captioned Ruiz et al v. Bay Shore Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance, Inc. et al., 18-cv-00280.

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Includes Reference to Sexually-Explicit Gingerbread House
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In Chandler v. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co. et al, 2018 WL 357294 (N.D.N.Y. Jan. 10, 2018), the court dismissed plaintiff’s claims of, inter alia, sexual harassment. In an attempt to evade dismissal, plaintiff argued that the terms of the Separation Agreement and Release she executed “have been invalidated due to the actions of Defendant”…

Read More Sexual Harassment Claims Dismissed in Light of Settlement Agreement and General Release; Defendant’s Actions Did Not Violate “One Sided” Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Provisions
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Buried within the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017) is a provision, at Sec. 13307, titled “Denial of Deduction for Settlements Subject to Nondisclosure Agreements Paid in Connection With Sexual Harassment or Sexual Abuse”. This section amends Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.) 162 by adding a new section, section 162(q),…

Read More Sexual Harassment Settlements Affected By New Tax Law
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In MacCluskey v. University of Connecticut Health Center, 2017 WL 6463200 (2d Cir. Dec. 19, 2017) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the lower court’s judgment following a jury verdict in favor of plaintiff on her sexual harassment (hostile work environment) claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The court framed…

Read More Sexual Harassment Jury Verdict Upheld; Co-Worker’s Sexual Harassment Imputable to Employer
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Below is the December 5, 2017 letter from U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to Second Circuit Judge Robert A. Katzmann reflecting the delegation of power to investigate claims of sexual harassment/judicial misconduct against Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski. The enclosed Order (No. 17-90118), issued by the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit, notes…

Read More SCOTUS Taps 2d Circuit to Address Kozinski Sexual Harassment Allegations
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In Novio v. The New York Academy of Art et al, 2017 WL 6398746 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 13, 2017), the court granted in part and denied in part defendants’ motions to dismiss plaintiff’s claims for sex discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile educational environment, unlawful retaliation, and breach of contract. She asserted her discrimination and retaliation claims under…

Read More Student’s Sexual Harassment, Retaliation Claims Survive Against School
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