Sexual Harassment

Halloween is a fun holiday. Not so, however, for employees forced to endure sexual harassment during a company Halloween party. In Maher v. All. Mortg. Banking Corp., No. CV 06-5073 DRH ARL, 2010 WL 3516153 (E.D.N.Y. Aug. 9, 2010), report and recommendation adopted, No. 06 CV 5073 DRH ARL, 2010 WL 3521921 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 1,…

Read More Sexual Harassment During Company Halloween Party Among Facts of Case Resulting in $170,000 Compensatory Damages Award
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In a lawsuit filed on Sept. 26, 2016, captioned Johnson v. Haagen-Dazs Shoppe Co., Inc., plaintiff alleges, among other things, that plaintiff “was subjected to repeated unwanted verbal and physical sexual harassment by the store manager and his direct supervisor”, defendant Kevin Hickman. The complaint alleges, for example, that Hickman frequently sent plaintiff “sexually explicit text messages…

Read More Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Haagen Dazs Franchisee
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NYPD Officer Ann Cardenas, indicated, in an October 20, 2016 filing, that she has settled her sexual harassment lawsuit against defendants the City of New York, Sergeant David John, and Police Officer Angel Colon. The Daily News reports that the settlement amount is $535,000, allocated as $500,000 from the City, $20,000 from John, and $15,000…

Read More Settlement of Female NYPD Officer Ann Cardenas’ Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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In Whipple v. Reed Eye Associates, No. 15-CV-6759L, 2016 WL 5719431 (W.D.N.Y. Oct. 3, 2016), the court dismissed plaintiff’s claim for retaliation, but sustained her claims for tortious interference with economic advantage and defamation. In dismissing her retaliation claim against one defendant, the court explained: [P]laintiff alleges that Weissend sexually harassed her, and that after she…

Read More Tortious Interference and Defamation Claims Survive, Retaliation Claim Dismissed, in Sexual Harassment Case
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In Figueroa v. New York State Div. of Human Rights, No. 15-01941, 2016 WL 5509917 (N.Y. App. Div. Sept. 30, 2016), the court determined that the NYS Division of Human Rights correctly dismissed complaints alleging sexual harassment and retaliation. From the decision: [W]e agree with the District that substantial evidence supports the determination of the…

Read More Administrative Dismissal of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Claims Upheld
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In Andrus v. Corning, Inc., No. 14-CV-6667-FPG, 2016 WL 5372467 (W.D.N.Y. Sept. 26, 2016), the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York dismissed plaintiff’s Title VII hostile work environment sexual harassment claim arising from sexual comments made by plaintiff’s co-worker. She alleged: (i) In April 2013, Mr. Drane [the alleged harassing co-worker]…

Read More Title VII Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim Dismissed; Co-Worker’s Sexual Comments, While Inappropriate, Could Not Be Imputed to Employer
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A recent decision, Kennedy v. Federal Express Corp, 13-cv-1540, 2016 WL 5415774 (N.D.N.Y. Sept. 28, 2016), a sexual harassment case, illustrates that proving the existence of a hostile work environment is alone insufficient to prevail. In this case, defendant conceded for purposes of its summary judgment motion that the alleged conduct of plaintiff’s supervisor created…

Read More FedEx Not Liable For Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment; Faragher/Ellerth Defense Cited and Applied
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In Olsen v. Suffolk County et al, 15-CV-4064, 2016 WL 5395846 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 27, 2016), the court held, among other things, that plaintiff plausibly alleged hostile work environment sexual harassment. The court summarized plaintiff’s allegations, in part, as follows: On or about May 26, 2014, Plaintiff was eating dinner with coworkers outside the precinct and…

Read More Forced Penis Touch, Among Other Allegations, Sufficient to Plausibly Allege Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment
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In Kaplan v. New York City Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene, 2016 NY Slip Op 06063 (App. Div. 2nd Dept. Sept. 21, 2016), the court reversed a CPLR 3211(a)(7) dismissal (for failure to state a claim) of plaintiff’s claims of sexual harassment and retaliation. This decision provides helpful guidance on who has what burden of…

Read More 2d Dept. Reverses Dismissal of “Masturbating Boss” Sexual Harassment Case Under the NYC Human Rights Law
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In La Porta v. Alacra, Inc., 142 A.D.3d 851, 2016 NY Slip Op 06113 (App. Div. 1st Dept. Sept. 22, 2016), the court held that plaintiff stated claims for hostile work environment sexual harassment and retaliation (but not hostile work environment-based constructive discharge). The court summarized plaintiff’s claims as follows: Plaintiff, the manager of defendant…

Read More Sexual Harassment Case (Including Facebook “Boobs” Comment) Survives Motion to Dismiss
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