Constructive Discharge

In a lawsuit filed April 2, 2015 and captioned Lombardi v. CBS Broadcasting, Inc. et al., 15-cv-02516, plaintiff Lombardi asserts various claims against defendant CBS, including gender discrimination, retaliation, constructive discharge, aiding and abetting discrimination, and hostile work environment. Among other allegations, plaintiff (who is male) alleges that at CBS’ December 2013 holiday party, a…

Read More Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against CBS
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In a Marchuk v. Faruqi & Faruqi (SDNY 1/28/15), a decision issued in the sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Alexandra Marchuk against Faruqi & Faruqi, Juan Monteverde, and others, Southern District of New York Judge Hellerstein addresses defendants’ motion, under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 50, for Judgment as a Matter of Law (JMOL). Among other…

Read More Decision on Post-Trial Motion in Marchuk v. Faruqi & Faruqi Sexual Harassment Case
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In Nelson v. Vigorito, the Appellate Division, Second Department affirmed the denial of summary judgment to defendants on plaintiff’s claim of sexual harassment based on a hostile work environment under the New York State Human Rights Law. Here are the facts, as summarized by the court: The plaintiff, a former employee of the defendant Security…

Read More Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Claims Continue Against Long Island Car Dealership
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In Santiesteban v. Nestle Waters North America, Inc. (decided Oct. 15, 2014), the Eastern District of New York denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s claims of discrimination and hostile work environment (based on religion). As to plaintiff’s discrimination claim, the court held: [T]he comments that “you people are manipulative,” that “Plaintiff manipulated … Cappetta…

Read More Evidence of Derogatory Comments About Jews Leads to Denial of Summary Judgment in Employment Discrimination Case
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Here is the federal lawsuit recently filed by waitress Alexandra Mitropoulous against Avlee Greek Kitchen and its owner, Peter Rogakos. Plaintiff alleges, that she was constructively discharged after being subjected to sexual harassment and battery. For example, she alleges that Rogakos asked her what color underwear she was wearing, pulled her hair, and tried to kiss…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Avlee Greek Kitchen and Peter Rogakos
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In Valleriani v. Route 390 Nissan (filed Sept. 2, 2014), the Western District of New York denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s gender-based hostile work environment claim: [T]o constitute gender discrimination in the form of a hostile work environment, the conduct directed at Plaintiff had to be based on her gender. Here, the incidents…

Read More Content, Rather Than Motivation, for Sexually Offensive Language is Relevant in Hostile Work Environment Case, According to Court
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Here’s the complaint recently filed by Vanessa Harris and Kimberly Mealer against McDonald’s Corporation and others, in which they allege sexual harassment, race discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment, retaliation, and constructive discharge. (This isn’t the first time McDonald’s has been in hot water over allegations of sexual harassment.) They claim (among other things) that their white manager…

Read More Not Lovin’ It: Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Harassment at McDonald’s
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In Thomas v. EONY LLC and David Shavolian (Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Index No. 158961/2013 May 23, 2014), a New York trial court denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint alleging sexual harassment, retaliation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Plaintiff alleged, for example, that defendant violated the New York State and City Human Rights Laws…

Read More There’s Zealous Advocacy, Then There’s This: Judge “Aghast” at Sexual Harassment “Defense”
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In Lehman v. Bergmann Associates (decided March 31, 2014), the Western District of New York held that plaintiff adequately pleaded some, but not other, employment discrimination claims. The case provides a good review of federal pleading standards for various employment-related claims. Plaintiff alleged that she was the first woman to hold a senior management position at…

Read More Court Provides Guidance on Pleading Employment Discrimination Claims
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