
In Matthews v. Hewlett-Packard Company, 15-cv-3922, 2017 WL 6804075 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 22, 2017), a race discrimination/hostile work environment/retaliation case, the court explained and applied the principles applicable to the admissibility of expert testimony – under FRE 702/Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993) – as to emotional distress damages. In sum, the court…

Read More Court Precludes Expert Testimony on Emotional Distress in Race Discrimination Case
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In Suarez v. Mosaic Sales Solutions US Operating Co., LLC, 2018 WL 357540 (2d Cir. 17-2344 Jan. 11, 2018), the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s claim under the New York City Fair Chance Act, N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8-107(11)(a), based on defendant’s failure to follow certain procedures before rescinding plaintiff’s job offer after discovering,…

Read More 2d Circuit Affirms Dismissal of NYC Fair Chance Act Claim; Amount-in-Controversy Element Not Satisfied
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In Chauca v. Abraham, 2017 NY Slip Op 08158, 2017 WL 5557932 (N.Y. Nov. 20, 2017), the New York Court of Appeals – answered a certified question from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit – regarding the appropriate standard applicable for when punitive damages may be awarded under the New York City Human…

Read More New York’s Highest Court Clarifies Standard for Punitive Damages Under the New York City Human Rights Law
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In Santana et al v. G.E.M. Medical Management (NY Sup. Ct. Bx. Cty 0305261/2008 Oct. 20, 2017), the court (inter alia) denied defendant’s motion, under CPLR 4404(a), to set aside a jury verdict in favor of plaintiffs on their claims of gender/pregnancy discrimination. The court noted that “[t]he jury’s determination is supported by evidence presented…

Read More Court Upholds Plaintiff Jury Verdict in Gender/Pregnancy Discrimination Case
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In Legg v. Ulster County, et al, 2017 WL 3668777 (N.D.N.Y. 09-cv-00550 Aug. 24, 2017) (J. Scullin), the court – after upholding a jury verdict in plaintiff’s favor on her Title VII hostile work environment/sexual harassment claim[1]I discussed this aspect of the case here. – held that the damages awarded by the jury to compensate…

Read More Court Remits $200K Emotional Distress Damage Award to $75K in Hostile Work Environment/Sexual Harassment Case
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One of the various types of damages available in an employment discrimination case is so-called “emotional distress” damages, which are a species of “compensatory” damages. Such damages are available under (for example) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL), and the New York City Human Rights…

Read More Emotional Distress Damages in Employment Discrimination Cases
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In Sehgal v. www.nyairportsbus.com, Inc., 2017 NY Slip Op 05990 (App. Div. 2d Dept. Aug. 2, 2017) – a hit-in-the-rear car accident personal injury case – the court held that the trial court properly precluded the defendants from asking the injured plaintiff questions about his employment by the law firm representing him in the action and his…

Read More Cross-Examination of Personal Injury Plaintiff Regarding Employment and Doctor Referrals Properly Limited
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In a recent filing, petitioner Alexis Berger seeks confirmation under Section 9 of the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. sec. 9) of an Arbitrator’s Award – totaling $40,925,284.20 – on her claims of gender discrimination, retaliation, unequal pay, and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing against her former employer Kargo…

Read More Former Kargo Global Employee Alexis Berger Seeks to Enforce $40 Million Arbitration Award in Gender Discrimination Case
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Pursuant to a May 5, 2017 Consent Decree in EEOC v. Special Education Associates (EDNY 17-cv-1791) (a failure-to-hire sex discrimination case), the defendant must pay $57,000 in damages to the underlying complainant, comprising $20,000 in back pay and $37,000 in compensatory damages.[1]The Decree contains other remedial measures, such as requiring the defendant to distribute an antidiscrimination…

Read More EEOC Consent Decree Entered in Failure-to-Hire Sex Discrimination Case
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In Matter of NYS Div. of Human Rights v. SUV Prod., Inc., 2017 NY Slip Op 02910 (NY App. Div. 1st Dept. April 13, 2017), the court unanimously confirmed the findings of the New York State Division of Human Rights’ (DHR) December 19, 2008 Order concluding that respondent subjected complainants to discrimination and a hostile work environment based…

Read More Court Upholds NYSDHR Finding of National Origin Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment and Resulting Damages
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