Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

A Brooklyn federal jury recently awarded $40,000 (comprising $10,000 compensatory, $30,000 punitive) to plaintiff Corey Lashley on his claims of quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile work environment, discrimination, and retaliation. Plaintiff alleged in his complaint that his female boss – who hired him after meeting him at a nightclub – sexually harassed him and fired him after he rebuffed…

Read More Jury Awards $40,000 to Man Sexually Harassed by Female Boss
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In Cruz v. NYS Dept. of Corrections, the Southern District of New York held (in a decision dated June 4, 2014) that the male plaintiff stated claims for hostile work environment and “quid pro quo” sexual harassment arising from unfair treatment by his female supervisor. The facts, as summarized by the court: Until August 8, 2012,…

Read More Male Corrections Employee States Sexual Harassment Claims Arising From Alleged Mistreatment by Female Boss
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Generally speaking, sexual harassment[1]This discussion is confined to the employment context. is a form of sex-based discrimination typically characterized by unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical sexual conduct. The cause of action for sexual harassment is statutory, and is prohibited (in New York City) by Title VII of the…

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Below is the federal complaint, captioned Chang et al. v. Phoenix Satellite Television (US), Inc. et al., 1:14-cv-02686, filed yesterday by three plaintiffs against Phoenix Satellite Television US, Inc., Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Limited, and Zhengzhu Liu. Gothamist reported on the lawsuit here. Mr. Liu, it might be recalled, was featured as the alleged harasser…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Phoenix Satellite Television and Alleged Intern Harasser Zhengzhu Liu
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Below is the state court complaint recently filed by Emily Feliciano against Starbucks and assistant manager Anthony Nunez. Among other things, plaintiff alleges that Nunez sexually harassed plaintiff verbally (such as by making an obscene observation that she was “wet”, telling her to call him “daddy”, and demanding sex) and physically (such as by trapping her…

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Below and here is the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Sherina Thomas against EONY and EONY’s owner David Shavolian in the Supreme Court of New York (Index No. 158961/2013). Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that defendant Shavolian forced plaintiff to show him her breasts and proceeded to “fondl[e]” and “jiggl[e]” them; asked her whether she “shave[s]…

Read More Sexual Harassment Complaint Alleges Supervisor Made Sexually Explicit Remarks and Forced Plaintiff to Watch Him Urinate
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New York State Senator Liz Krueger has introduced legislation (Bill No. S05951) that will “[p]rovide certain civil rights protections for interns.”   It was motivated by a recent court decision, Wang v. Phoenix, which held that unpaid interns are not protected by the New York City Human Rights Law. (It is interesting that state intern-protection legislation would…

Read More State Senator Introduces Intern-Protective Legislation
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Although unpaid interns recently obtained a court victory on the wage and hour front (i.e., a ruling that they are “employees” under federal and state wage/hour laws), Southern District Judge P. Kevin Castel recently issued them a defeat on the discrimination/harassment front. In Wang v. Phoenix Satellite Television US Inc., the court dismissed an intern’s…

Read More Court Holds That Unpaid Interns Are Not Protected From Sexual Harassment Under the New York City Human Rights Law
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Below is the complaint, captioned Burhans and Rivera v. Lopez and Silver, 13 CIV 3870, filed in the Southern District of New York by Victoria Burhans and Chloe Rivera against (former) Assemblyman Vito Lopez and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.   Plaintiffs allege violations of the Fourteenth Amendment (through 42 U.S.C. § 1983), the New York State Human…

Read More Federal Sexual Harassment Complaint Against Vito Lopez and Sheldon Silver
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In Malik v. American International Group, Inc., the Supreme Court, Queens County denied defendants’ summary judgment motions regarding a number of plaintiff’s claims, including sexual harassment (quid pro quo and hostile work environment), race discrimination, and disability discrimination under the New York State Human Rights Law. Time Bar and Continuing Violation Doctrine Defendants argued that plaintiff’s claims…

Read More Issues of Fact Preclude Summary Judgment for Defendant on Sex, Race, and Disability Discrimination Claims
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