Religion-Based Discrimination

In Domen v. Vimeo, Inc., 2021 WL 922749 (2d Cir. March 11, 2021) (Pooler, Wesley, Carney), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of discrimination claims asserted against video-hosting website Vimeo. The basis for dismissal was Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S. Code § 230 (“Section 230”).…

Read More Section 230 Shields Vimeo From Liability Arising From Deletion of Church’s Account
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In Echavarria v. ABM Industry Group LLC et al, 2021 WL 794944 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 26, 2021), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s claim of religious-based discrimination. The court explained: Plaintiff also fails to allege sufficient facts to state a claim that Defendants discriminated against her because she is Catholic. Her sole allegation of religious discrimination…

Read More Religious (Anti-Catholic) Discrimination Claim Dismissed; “God Bless You Sneer” Insufficient
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In Beards et al v. Bronxcare Health System et al, 2021 WL 704177 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 23, 2021), the court dismissed plaintiffs’ claims of race- and religion-based discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law. After concluding that…

Read More Citing Productivity Decline, Court Dismisses Race and Religion-Based Discrimination Claims
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In Feinstein v. Richard Carranza and the NYC Dept. of Education, 19-CV-3344, 2021 WL 722411 (E.D.N.Y. Feb. 24, 2021), the court dismissed plaintiff’s religion-based discrimination claim as untimely, in that it was not filed within 90 days of the receipt of the right-to-sue letter from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). From the decision:…

Read More Day-Late Religious Discrimination Complaint Dismissed
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In Tihan v. Apollo Management Holdings, L.P., No. 152196/2019, 2021 WL 274709 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Jan. 27, 2021), the court, inter alia, granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s (a Turkish Muslim) claims of discrimination based on his national origin or religion. The court rejected plaintiff’s argument that his performance reviews…

Read More National Origin, Religious Discrimination Claims Dismissed Against Apollo Management Holdings
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In Kunik v. N.Y.C. Dep’t of Educ., 20-741-cv (2d Cir. Jan. 15, 2021) (Summary Order), the court, inter alia, affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s age and religion-based hostile work environment and constructive discharge claims. From the Order: The district court correctly determined that Kunik’s amended complaint failed to state a claim for hostile work environment…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claims Properly Dismissed; Reliance on Defendants’ “Demeanor” Insufficient
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In Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York v. Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of New York, 592 U.S. ___, 2020 WL 6948354 (U.S. Nov. 25, 2020), the U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency application for injunctive relief, enjoining Governor Cuomo from enforcing New York Executive Order 202.68‘s 10- and 25-person occupancy limits applicable to houses…

Read More SCOTUS Enjoins Governor Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions on Houses of Worship
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In Gruber v. Glam, Inc., No. 654719/2018, 2020 WL 5590259, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 33088(U) (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Sep. 18, 2020), the court, inter alia, held that plaintiff stated claims of discrimination based on religion (Judaism) and pregnancy under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. After summarizing the “black…

Read More Religious, Pregnancy Discrimination Claims Stated Against Glam, Inc.
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In Kuperman v. New York City Department of Education, 2020 WL 5123398 (S.D.N.Y. August 28, 2020), the court dismissed plaintiff’s race and religion-based claims of discrimination against the New York City Department of Education, finding that the NYCDOE was not a proper party. From the decision: Plaintiff’s claims against the New York City Department of…

Read More Race/Religion Discrimination Claims Dismissed Against NYC Department of Education; NYCDOE Not Proper Party
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