Sexual Harassment

In a recent lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court, captioned Domingo v. Choice Logistics, Inc. and James Adams, SDNY 16-cv-3648 (filed May 16, 2016), plaintiff Christine Domingo alleges, among other things: Within six days after commencing her employment with Choice in December 2014, Domingo was subjected to unwelcomed physical touching, assault and sexual harassment by…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Choice Logistics
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In Mantione v. C. Berman Associates, 2016 NY Slip Op 30655(U) (NY Sup. Ct. March 4, 2016), the court discussed and applied the “single employer” rule. Defendant moved to dismiss plaintiff’s hostile work environment/sexual harassment allegations under the New York State Human Rights Law, on the ground that the entities involved have less than four…

Read More Court Holds Companies Were a “Single Employer” For Purposes of Aggregating Employees in Sexual Harassment Case
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In Salem v. Royal Air Maroc, No. 15-CV-5909 (KBF), 2016 WL 1717219, (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 28, 2016), the Southern District of New York dismissed plaintiff’s claims of discrimination occurring in Egypt, arising from conduct by agents of a foreign entity (Royal Air Maroc). Judge Forrest held that “neither federal nor state and local discrimination laws protect [plaintiff] against…

Read More Discrimination Claims Arising From Conduct Outside U.S. Dismissed
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In Hernandez v. Kaisman, 2016 WL 1737263 (N.Y. App. 1st Dept. May 3, 2016), the court affirmed the lower court’s award of attorney fees in the amount of $264,612.50. The New York City Human Rights Law provides for an award of a reasonable attorney fee to the prevailing party. In upholding the fee award in…

Read More Court Explains Decision to Affirm $264,612.50 Attorney Fee Award in Gender Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment Case
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In Belton v. Lal Chicken, Inc., 2016 NY Slip Op 03115, 2016 WL 1629367 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dept. Apr. 26, 2016), the Appellate Division, First Department upheld a jury verdict of $320,000 for plaintiff on her sexual harassment (hostile work environment) claim under the New York City Human Rights Law. From the decision: Plaintiff…

Read More Court Upholds Sexual Harassment (Hostile Work Environment) Jury Verdict for Plaintiff, Citing Rejection of Unwanted Advances and Lack of “Meaningful” Anti-Discrimination Policy
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Motta v. Glob. Contract Servs. Inc., No. 15 CIV. 8555 (LGS), 2016 WL 1611489 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 21, 2016) is instructive on the “aiding and abetting” liability provisions of the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) and New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Plaintiffs worked as call center representatives at Global Contract Services, Inc.…

Read More Access-A-Ride Call Center Employees Fail to Sufficiently Allege “Aiding and Abetting” Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment, and Retaliation Claims Against the NYCTA and MTA
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In Styka v. My Merchants Services LLC et al (EDNY 14-cv-6198 (March 15, 2016)), an employment discrimination/sexual harassment/hostile work environment/retaliation case, Eastern District of New York Magistrate Judge Scanlon recommended awarding plaintiff $120,000 to compensate her for emotional distress (in addition to other damages, such as back pay and punitive damages) following defendants’ default. This case…

Read More Court Recommends Award of $120,000 in Emotional Distress Damages in Gender Discrimination/Hostile Work Environment/Sexual Harassment Case
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In Drice v. My Merch. Servs., LLC, 2016 WL 1266866 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 4, 2016), Eastern District of New York Magistrate Judge Go recommended that plaintiff be awarded (among other damages) $20,000 for emotional distress. (Judge Brodie adopted the Magistrate’s report at 2016 WL 1266948 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 31, 2016)). The below excerpts are from the Magistrate’s report and recommendation.…

Read More Court Awards Sexual Harassment Plaintiff Emotional Distress Damages of $20,000 Following Defendants’ Default
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In Shalom v. Hunter Coll. of City Univ. of New York, No. 14-3426-CV, 2016 WL 1358607 (2d Cir. Apr. 6, 2016), the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s claims under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) for (1) quid pro quo sexual harassment, (2) hostile educational environment,…

Read More Second Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Title IX Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment, Hostile Educational Environment, and Retaliation Claims
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