
In a recent complaint, captioned Gurievsky v. Saatch & Saatchi, NY Sup. Ct. NY Cty., Index 151547/2013, plaintiff alleges (among other things) that a creative director referred to women as “pretty prostitutes” and said that he liked the style of plaintiff’s hair “because it made her look like she had ‘just been fucked’”, and that plaintiff…

Read More Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Branding Company
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As reported in the Huffington Post, a former Starbucks manager recently sued the company under the New York State and New York City Human Rights Laws.  Plaintiff alleged that following her arrest for assaulting another employee, she was “accused” of having a lesbian relationship with that employee.  Plaintiff denies being gay. Plaintiff alleged (among other…

Read More Starbucks Manager Alleges She Was Fired After Opposing False Claim of Being Gay
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In a letter dated February 14, 2013, 37 senators urged President Obama to issue an Executive Order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors against discrimination.  This would supplement the protections embodied in Executive Order No. 11246 (signed by President Johnson in 1965), which requires federal contractors to refrain from discriminating because of race, creed, color,…

Read More Senators Urge Pres. Obama to Issue Executive Order Protecting LGBT Employees of Federal Contractors Against Discrimination
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As reported in today’s New York Post, plaintiff Robert Bell has agreed to settle his case against the City of New York for $15,000. If you recall, Bell sued last summer, claiming he was falsely arrested after displaying his middle finger to NYPD officers.  You can read more about his lawsuit (and read his complaint)…

Read More “Middle Finger Cop” Plaintiff Robert Bell Settles for $15,000
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In Farren v. Shaw Environmental, No. 12-1008 (2d Cir. Jan. 31, 2013), the Second Circuit affirmed the lower court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s case due to a failure to exhaust administrative remedies in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) and New York State Division of Human Rights (“DHR”), as required by Title VII of the…

Read More 2nd Circuit Explains Difference Between “Disparate Treatment” and “Hostile Work Environment” Theories As Relevant To Title VII’s Administrative Exhaustion Requirement
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Last week the U.S. Supreme Court granted a Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in the case captioned University of Texas Southwestern Center v. Naiel Nassar, M.D.  General information regarding the case is available at SCOTUSblog; the actual petition is accessible here. The question presented is: Whether

Read More Supreme Court to Decide Whether Mixed-Motive Analysis Applies to Retaliation Claims
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Below is the complaint filed by Chenin Duclos this week against the City of New York and several police officers.  Plaintiff was one of the several bystanders shot by NYPD officers as they attempted to apprehend suspected shooter Jeffrey Johnson near the Empire State Building last August. Specifically, Duclos asserts the following causes of action:  (1)…

Read More Empire State Building NYPD Shooting Lawsuit
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Last week employee Michael Spiegel filed suit against the Hotel Edison, alleging violations of New York’s general whistleblower statute (New York Labor Law § 740) and age discrimination under the NY State and City Human Rights Laws. Spiegel alleges that he was treated unfairly and then fired after complaining about dangerous open windows without window…

Read More Employee Files Whistleblower and Age Discrimination Lawsuit Against Hotel Edison
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Caroline Stern and her boyfriend George Hess recently settled their lawsuit against New York City (and others) for $75,000. Hess and Stern were arrested by NYPD officers in 2011 after being observed dancing on a nearly-empty subway platform.  You can read more about their case here; the initial complaint is below. [scribd id=121523924 key=key-17jxctmv9wrx4jnj403j mode=scroll]

Read More NYC Pays $75,000 To Settle Dancing Arrest Case
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