Coronavirus / COVID-19

In a recent case, Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC v. Midvale Indemnity Company, 20-cv-05818, 2021 WL 276655 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 27, 2021), the court, inter alia, granted defendant insurance company’s motion to dismiss the plaintiff attorney’s complaint, which sought a declaration that the firm’s commercial property insurance policy covered its losses caused by stay-at-home and social-distancing…

Read More “Virus Exclusion” Defeats Attorney’s Insurance-Coverage Claim
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In a recently-updated (December 16, 2020) document titled “What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws“, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) addressed (in section “K.”), the issue of vaccinations in the context of COVID-19. For example, the EEOC takes the position that: The vaccination itself…

Read More EEOC Updates Guidance Regarding Vaccinations
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Twenty-twenty has, to say the least, been quite a (miserable) year, characterized by the introduction and propagation of a deadly virus, lockdowns, business closures, eviction moratoriums, protests, etc. As we run out the clock, I thought I would share with you some of my thoughts as a New York City-based attorney/solo practitioner working in the…

Read More Year in Review: 2020
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In HC2, Inc. v. Delaney, 20-cv-3178, 2020 WL 7480675 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 18, 2020), the court, inter alia, dismissed the employee’s  whistleblower retaliation claims. The employee (Delaney) alleges that the employer (HC2) violated New York Labor Law §§ 740 and 215 by terminating his employment after he complained about HC2’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically,…

Read More COVID Whistleblower Retaliation (NY Labor Law § 740) Claim Dismissed
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In Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York v. Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of New York, 592 U.S. ___, 2020 WL 6948354 (U.S. Nov. 25, 2020), the U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency application for injunctive relief, enjoining Governor Cuomo from enforcing New York Executive Order 202.68‘s 10- and 25-person occupancy limits applicable to houses…

Read More SCOTUS Enjoins Governor Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions on Houses of Worship
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In Breland v. City of New York, No. 152046/2020, 2020 WL 5644943, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 33099(U), 3–4 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Sep. 22, 2020), an employment discrimination case, the court granted defendants’ motion to extend their time to answer, move, or otherwise respond to plaintiff’s complaint. The court explained: Pursuant to CPLR…

Read More Employment Discrimination Defendant’s Time to Answer Extended
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In a recent update to its “What You Should Know” segment, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated that, under the ADA, an employer may not require antibody testing before permitting employees to re-enter the workplace. It wrote: An antibody test constitutes a medical examination under the ADA. In light of CDC’s Interim Guidelines that…

Read More EEOC: Employers Can Not Require Antibody Testing Before Allowing Employees to Re-Enter the Workplace
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In Geller v. de Blasio et al, 2020 WL 2520711 (S.D.N.Y. May 18, 2020), the court denied plaintiff’s motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to enjoin the City of New York from enforcing an Executive Order of March 25, 2020 and its restriction on non-essential gatherings. This decision provides a primer of how…

Read More Court Rejects First Amendment Challenge to NYC Executive Order Restricting Non-Essential Gatherings
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