Employment Discrimination

Happy Valentine’s Day! In keeping with what I hope will be a continued practice of keying blog posts to holidays, I present to you the case of Ashok v. Barnhart, 289 F. Supp. 2d 305 (EDNY 2003). In Ashok, plaintiff claimed that she was subjected to retaliation and a hostile work environment based on national…

Read More Allegedly “Humiliating” Valentine’s Day Poster Did Not Support Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Quinones v. Cornell Univ, 2014 NY Slip Op 00882 [114 AD3d 472] (App. Div. 1st Dept. Feb. 11, 2014), the Appellate Division, First Department affirmed a decision by New York Supreme Court Judge Shlomo Hagler to disallow an untimely motion for summary judgment by defendant. Plaintiff sued Cornell alleging employment discrimination based upon national origin and…

Read More Employment Discrimination Defendant Denied Opportunity to File Untimely Summary Judgment Motion
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‘Tis the season for company holiday parties, where the awkward mingling with co-workers and the free flow of alcohol can combine to create uncomfortable and humiliating social situations and, in some cases, possible legal liability for discrimination and harassment. Despite various warnings about maintaining professionalism, it seems that every year there are people who embarrass themselves…

Read More Company Holiday Parties, Professionalism, and Discrimination/Sexual Harassment
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Here is the age and gender discrimination lawsuit, captioned Reingold v. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. (NY Sup Ct. index # 653626/2013) filed by Managing Director Suzy Reingold, 66, against real estate titan Cushman & Wakefield. The suit alleges, in sum, that notwithstanding plaintiff’s “stellar performance and extensive experience,” defendant discriminated against her on the basis of her…

Read More Suzy Reingold’s $20 Million Age and Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Cushman & Wakefield
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Here is plaintiff Ivana Hidalgo’s disability discrimination complaint, captioned Hidalgo v. B&B Hospitality Group LLC (SDNY 13-cv-6402 filed 9/12/13) against B&B Hospitality Group LLC and others. Plaintiff claims that defendants violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and the New York State Human Rights Law by failing to reasonably accommodate her disability – an inequality in the lengths of her…

Read More Disability Discrimination Suit by Uneven-Legged Plaintiff Against Mario Batali-Owned Company
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In Najjar v. Mirecki, 11-cv-5138 (SDNY July 2, 2013), the Southern District of New York held that a pro se plaintiff raised a triable issue of fact as to various claims of discrimination. This case illustrates the difference between the heightened “but for” and lessened “mixed motive” causation standards, as well as the differences between the…

Read More Age/Disability Discrimination Case Illustrates Difference Between “But For” and “Mixed Motive” Causation Standards
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In Krause v. Lancer & Loader Group LLC, 40 Misc.3d 385 (Sup. Ct. NY Cty. May 1, 2013), the court confirms that both the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) and the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) recognize claims of pregnancy discrimination, and that she stated such a claim under both laws.…

Read More Plaintiff States Claim for Pregnancy Discrimination Under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws
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