Employment Discrimination

In Christian v. The Dept. of Educ. of the City of New York, No. 158793/2021, 2022 WL 17177577 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Nov. 23, 2022), the court denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s race discrimination claims under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. From the decision: That branch of defendants’…

Read More NYC Teacher’s Race Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged
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In Estevez et al v. Berkeley College et al, 2022 WL 17177971 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 23, 2022), the court denied defendant’s motion for Rule 11 sanctions, but chastised plaintiff’s counsel for what it perceived as an attempt to mislead the court. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 provides, in part, that an attorney presenting a pleading,…

Read More Court Admonishes Lawyer for Perceived Misrepresentations in Connection With Retaliation Claim
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In Matthews v. New Light, Inc., Civil Action No. 22-427, 2022 WL 11966542 (W.D.Pa. October 20, 2022), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s discrimination claim asserted under the Americans with Disabilities Act, on the ground that plaintiff’s claimed medical condition, pregnancy, is not a “disability” within the meaning of that statute. From the decision: Here,…

Read More Court Dismisses ADA Discrimination Claim; Uncomplicated Pregnancy Was Not a “Disability” Under the Statute
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In Sheerer v. Angiodynamics, 2022 WL 17074913 (Sup. Ct. Warren Cty. Nov. 18, 2022), the court, inter alia, granted defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s disability-based hostile work environment claim. From the decision: Insofar as the third cause of action is concerned, “[a] hostile work environment claim requires proof of a workplace ‘permeated with…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim, Based on Alleged Conduct by “Bully”, Dismissed on Summary Judgment
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In Steinberg v. Vidal, No. 22-CV-04971 (JMA) (AYS), 2022 WL 16744932 (E.D.N.Y. Nov. 7, 2022), the court denied plaintiff’s motion to amend his complaint to assert a claim against the defendant – the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office – under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.…

Read More ADA Disability Discrimination Claim Against Government Agency
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In Abubakar v. Walmart, Inc., Case No. 21-cv-06248, 2022 WL 14632902 (N.D.Ill. Oct. 25, 2022), the court granted defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claims of discrimination based on color, age, national origin, religion, and race. From the decision: Walmart contends that Abubakar failed to state facially plausible claims for discrimination based on color, age, national…

Read More Discrimination Claims Dismissed Against Walmart; Alleged Translation Requests Etc. Deemed Insufficient
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In a recent case, Martino v. Chenel Capital, LLC et al, No. 154267/2022, 2022 WL 16743358 (N.Y. Sup Ct, New York County Nov. 02, 2022), the court granted plaintiff’s motion for a default judgment against defendants. This decision provides some insight into the nuts-and-bolts of obtaining a default judgment, following the defendants’ failure to answer…

Read More Sexual Harassment Default Judgment Issued; Liability and Damages to be Determined at Inquest
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In Conahan v. Medquest Ltd., et al, 20-cv-1325 (LJL), 2022 WL 16748585 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 7, 2022), the court, inter alia, denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s claims of age discrimination asserted under the New York State and City Human Rights Laws. From the decision: The Second Circuit has stated that stray-age related remarks…

Read More Age Discrimination Claim, Based on Pre-Termination Age-Related Remarks, Survives Summary Judgment
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In Wells-Marshall v. Auburn University et al, 2022 WL 16701108 (M.D.Ala. 2022), the court dismissed plaintiff’s race-based hostile work environment claim. From the decision: Wells-Marshall avers that, over the course of several months, she inherited a “sinking ship” of a department, she was verbally berated by a subordinate who she wanted to reprimand but who…

Read More Race-Based Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed Against Auburn University
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